You're Impossible to Resist. Chapter Three.

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Brooke's P.O.V.:

The next morning, breakfast was a bit awkward between Niall and Abbi. He kept trying to talk to her, but she just nodded to whatever he said and then stared right back down at her cereal. I wasn't told of what had gone on between those two. So I made a note in my mind to ask Abbi. 'Anyone up for the carnival?' Louis asked us. 'Yes!' We all agreed, even Abbi who seemed a bit depressed. 'Then go get ready!' Louis insisted. Everyone got up and ran down the hallways, we were all cramped in to the hallway. It seemed like a race to see who could get to their room first. Abbi and I ran into our room and crashed on the bed, both of us cracking up. When we sat up, I was still laughing but Abbi got quiet. 'Babe, what's wrong?' I asked her, trying to control my laughter. She then explained the whole story to me. 'I do know one thing for sure.' I assured her. She glanced up at me. 'Any guy would be a fool to not date you.' I smiled spread across her face, 'Thank you Brooke.' Abbi said, sounding a bit cheered up. 'Anytime love, now let's get going.' I told her.

When both of us were ready, we headed to the van where the lads were, then we crawled in. The ride wasn't too long there. So when we got there, we all jumped out. 'Ready?' Harry asked me with a smile. And I nodded. Harry and I decided we would split up from the group for a bit. We went on the ferris wheel, but when we got off, I needed to use the restroom. There was this huge building that said 'restrooms' on the top. But I couldn't find the door. So I decided that I would just make a full circle around the building. 'Oh my gosh.' I whispered to myself. I was peeking around the corner of the building. Niall was leaned against the wall and a girl with black hair and brown eyes was kissing him. I walked away as fast as possible, I was distured, I needed to tell someone. But who? I met Harry back at the ferris wheel. 'That took awhile.' Harry told me. 'Sorry.' I obviously was disturbed. 'Everything okay babe?' He asked. 'Oh yeah!' I tried to perk up a bit.

We mer all the other guys and Abbi at a cafe in the park for lunch. 'Hey guys!' Zayn said. 'This is my sister, Holly.' He pointed to a girl beside him. 'Hello!' Harry waved and so did I. After we introduced ourselves we sat down for some lunch. I sat beside Abbi and Harry. 'You okay babe? You look a little off.' Abbi whispered to me. 'Oh yeah, I'm just find. I may be catching a cold.' I lied to her. 'Where's Niall?' Liam asked. 'Not sure honestly.' Zayn shrugged. I needed to tell them, but I couldn't. Not with Abbi there atleast. But it was bugging me so bad!

A few minutes later Niall showed up. 'Where were you?' Louis asked as Niall took a seat beside Lou. Niall's eyes directed on me, 'I was talking to an old friend from high school, Rebecca.' REBECCA, I thought. That's her name. Niall's eyes still on me. He knew I saw him. And he obviously wanted me to keep my mouth shut.

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