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Grayson's POV
"Hey Eth I wanna go to one more place." I asked as we sat at the stop light. "Where now Grayson I'm tired of being your chauffeur." He said sarcastically. I shook my head laughing and asked if we could go to the mall.

We pulled up and I headed straight for the dress shop. I wanted to buy Emari a nice dress to wear tonight when I propose. I walked in and was greeted by a shy worker. "Hello welcome to New York and Company, my names Amy is there anything I can help you guys with today." She asked shyly. She was cute, she had freckles sprawled out on her cheeks and had big framed glasses with ginger hair down to her shoulders. But she wasn't Emari. "Uh yeah I'm actually looking for a dress for my girlfriend." I said proudly. She nodded her head and took me towards the long dresses. "Is there a specific color choice you have in mind." She asked as she pushed the bridge of her glasses back to her face. "Uh maybe maroon, it's her favorite color." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. She pulled a few choices from the hangers until I found the perfect dress. The corners of my mouth stretched as far as they could and I nodded my head indicating that was the dress.

I bought the dress and headed back to our apartment to lay it on the bed so she could get changed. I cautiously unlocked the door and walked in quietly. "EMARI!!!!!" Ethan yelled at the top of his lungs. I jumped up startled and punched him in the arm. "Shut the fuck up dickhead." I whisper shouted. He chuckled lightly and made his way to he couch and plopped his feet up on our coffee table. Way to make yourself feel at home bro. Emari wasn't home yet, thank god, so I ran up stairs left another note and went back to Ethan's place.

"Where should I take Emari tonight. I need a super fancy restaurant on the beach though." I asked Ethan. "Ooooohhh what about that one little restaurant off the shore in Santa Monica. After dinner you and her can sit by the water and everything and pop the life changing question there." Ethan said all in one breath. He seemed more excited than I was. "Wow. And here I was thinking you were a dumbass." I said as I smacked the back of his head. "Hey hey hey, I am NOT a dumbass." "Sure your not bud sure your not." I said as I tapped his back. He looked down and chuckled. "But in all realness Gray I can't be more proud of you and Emari, you guys have come such a long way and went though hell and back and look at you guys. I do get jealous of your guys relationship not gonna lie but it's a good jealous, I just hope to find someone who loves me like Emari love you bud." I blushed and couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face when I heard my twin brother tell me those words. "I love you so much Ethan." I gave him the biggest hug I have ever given him nearly killing him. "Ok ok Gray I get it, you're gonna choke me to death." "Oops Sorry." As I let go and we both laughed. I honestly don't know what I would do without him.

I made the reservation at the restaurant and sent Emari a text saying to meet me there at 8pm. Me and Ethan also already took care of the perfect spot on the beach.

When we finished setting it up I looked back to make sure everything was perfect. "Gray it's beautiful don't stress about, Emari is the simplest person I know, I mean damn she was ecstatic when I bought her colored pencils." I laughed at his remark and nodded in agreement.

"We should go get you ready Gray it's already 7:15." Ethan said as he looked at his watch. My eyes widened in shock and I yanked Ethan back to the truck to head back to his house so I could get ready there. Emari should already be back at the apartment by now getting ready. Just the thought of how beautiful she will be tonight made me smile like a fool.

"How about we crank up the radio as a pre-celebratory engagement!" Ethan yelled as he played Romans Revenge by Nicki Minaj. We were both singing and dancing along to the music just enjoying the moment. We decided to take the back road to avoid the traffic on the highway to get home sooner. After the song came to and end Ethan picked his phone up to pick another song.

We both heard a loud roar and I looked out my window and didn't see anything. Once I looked outside of Ethan's window and a bright light came towards us and the last thing I remember was the truck being flown into the air and smashing against the pavement.


I woke up with a massive headache and had no idea where I was. I went to move and my body felt like it was hit by a train. I screamed out loud in agony and looked down at my abdomen. I had a huge piece of metal sticking out and looked down to my legs to see they were pinned by the dashboard. I looked at my abdomen in horror to shocked to feel it. I looked around my surroundings to find out where I was. I looked over to my left and seen a small figure. "Ethan are yo-." I stopped and felt my heart sink to the bottom of my chest. "ETHAN! ETHAN OH GOD ETHAANNN!" His body was hung out the side of the front windshield not moving. I tried to move to help him but pain quickly overcame me making me yield any further movements. I gripped my stomach in agony and went back to trying to wake Ethan. "Eth- E please get up, Ethan!" I began to beg as tears stained my face.

After a while of yelling at Ethan he shuffled a bit and turned his head towards me. He groaned in pain and his eyes met mine. His face was bashed in badly and had a large gash over the side of his face. He looked miserable. "ETHAN HOLY FUCK ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I yelled. A small muffle left his lips as blood spurted from his mouth and began coughing making more blood pour out. "Gr-" he tried to speak but was choking on his own blood and there was nothing I could do to help him. I felt useless. "I...l-love y-you.. I'm so-sorry" He trailed off and went silent. "FUCK NO ETHAN!!! ETHAN PLEASE YOU CANT LEAVE ME.!" I thrashed in the seat ignoring all the pain that overcame me. Adrenaline shot through my body as I grabbed each one of my legs and yanked on them. Loud screams filled the air as I tried to free myself. "ETHAN DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING LEAVE ME". I screamed at him. I continued to thrash my body until I finally became free. I crawled through the shattered windshield ignoring the small cuts on my hands and pulled him in my arms. "Ethan, E come on bro wake up, please Ethan wake up." I wailed. I cried hysterically as I put my face on his chest leaving tears stains along his now blood soaked hoodie. I sat up and laid two fingers along his neck hoping and praying to find a pulse. Nothing. His body was becoming cold and starting to loose his caramel color which was replaced by paleness. I held him tight in my arms and whispered I love you's to him. "Ethan pl-please. You c-can't leave. I need you in my life, I c-can't do it without you."

I soon felt myself becoming more light headed and fading out of reality. My arms were slowly falling letting Ethan's body fall on my lap. I reached up to my head and felt a massive gash over the left side of my head. My vision began to blur as my body slowly started to fall backwards. I tried to stay awake but my eyes began to roll backwards. The pain was hardly there anymore and I felt relief because it didn't hurt anymore. My eyes began to flutter as I seen a bright light being flashed in my face and heard someone screaming at me.

Then Darkness settled upon me.

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