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Grayson's POV
I was driving down a dark road easily pushing the car to 100mph. I was having the time of my life as I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from under my seat and put it to my lips taking long swigs of it.

I held my head and the bottle out the window hollering as loud as I could. I brought myself back into the car turning on any kind of music that would pump you up.

After driving for what seemed like forever I reached for the bottle again only for someone to smack my arm away. "What the fuck?" I said as I looked over to the seat beside me. I slammed on my brakes causing the tires to come to a screeching halt.

I sat with my hands gripping the wheel and my breathing becoming heavy. I slowly brought my gaze to the eyes that used to hold the same color as mine. "Hey bro." He spoke as he smacked my shoulder. "E-Ethan? Ho-how are you here right now?" I asked him as I examined his now perfect face. He no longer had the bruises and cuts covering his face. Even the gash was gone from him. His skin was back to being his soft caramel color which also held a light glow.

"You're fucking everything up Grayson. Get your shit together! Stop being this stubborn asshole. I know you better than anyone in this world, and this person you're acting like isn't the same Grayson I remember.." He spoke with an agitated tone. I looked down to my lap taking in all the words he was saying.

"You think I don't know that Ethan? I know I'm fucking up, but ever since I woke up I haven't been the same! I've lost the most important person in my life when I woke up! And I don't even remember how it happened! All I know is it was some stupid train accident."

"Let me refresh your memory." He said as his eyes turned dark and brought his hand to my throat shoving me out of the car. As I fell out the car I was standing behind a pair of train tracks. I looked around seeing we were in a different area. I looked toward seeing a pair of headlights coming towards me in the distance.

I then heard a loud roar and the ground shake at my feet. I looked to my right seeing a train coming fast. Why wasn't the railings coming down? I asked myself becoming frantic.

I waved my arms wildly at the car that was coming towards the train. They were speeding obviously but they never could have seen the train considering how dark it was out here.

"HEY!!!! STOP!STOP!" I screamed as loud as I could. The train came closer and closer as I ran across the tracks trying to catch their attention. Nothing worked as I ran towards the vehicle. My arms waving up and down trying desperately to catch their attention. I stopped dead in the middle of the road when I realized they couldn't see me and the car ran straight through my body. I turned around quickly and watched as the car got torn to shreds by the train.

It flipped a good three times before landing back upright. I quickly ran over to the vehicle instantly regretting it once I did. My body froze as I seen the lifeless body of Ethan in the driver seat. His body hung out of the window, his face covered in blood, as he laid unconscious. "E-Ethan?" I asked my voice coming out small. I looked over and saw myself completely unconscious in the passenger seat. I saw the piece of metal coming out of my stomach lifting my shirt seeing the scar where the object used to lay.

I brought my gaze back up not seeing Ethan there anymore. "Ethan!" I yelled frantically. I turned around seeing a blood soaked Ethan standing in front of me. "E-." I began but was cut off by him grabbing my throat and lifting me off the ground.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT GRAYSON!" He screamed in my face. I looked in his eyes which had turned completely black. This isn't Ethan. This isn't Ethan. I kept repeating to myself. He threw me against the car taking my head and turning me towards the scene.

Bygone-G.DWhere stories live. Discover now