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Emari's POV

Grayson's finally being released from the hospital today. They kept him for another week and a half to monitor his brain activity and make sure no more bleeds occur. Of course though he will have to take it easy for a while.

I've been keeping my distance from him. He won't let me touch him nor hardly look at him. He also looks disgusted with me. It's the worst feeling in the world to know the one you love now hates you.

Why does he hate me though?

I sit and think of all the possibilities of why he hates me the way he does. But nothing comes to my mind.

Lisa and I are on better terms. Sean on the other hand doesn't talk to me as much as he used to.

They picked a date for Ethan's funeral. It's in a couple days and I'd be lying if I said it would be the hardest thing to go through. Ethan always told people if he were to pass suddenly he didn't want everyone to dress in black and be depressed at his funeral. He wanted bright vibrant colors and for everyone to try to remember the good times they had with him. (A/N: I was gonna say his favorite color but being since this weirdos favorite color is clear.... uhmmmm no lololol)

Grayson hasn't spoke hardly at all since he's woken up either. Losing Ethan has took a toll on him. His eyes aren't the same color they used to be. Their much darker now than before. I miss his beautiful hazel color. He showed no sign of emotion or even life visible in them anymore. His skin color is more pale than before as well. He's even starting to lose so much weight. He won't eat or drink anything. They doctors have been feeding him fluids non-stop.

I made my way back to his room after being down in the cafeteria for some time. I slowly trotted down the cold dark hallway I've grown to familiar with. Looking at the pale green color painted on the walls with the white and pink tile flowing horizontally down the wall. The color and design was hideous. It didn't seem like a hospital, more like a home from the 50's.

I reached his room and read the numbers A747 at the top of his door. I closed my eyes taking a big breath in before turning the knob. Before I could I heard a muffled cry coming from inside the room. I hesitated opening the door and put my ear close to the door. I heard the loud sobs coming from him.


I slowly opened the door and poked my head inside the room. His back was towards me as he held his knees to his chest and silently cried to himself. He was out of his hospital gown and had his black joggers thrown on him and hasn't put a shirt on. From where I was standing I could see his bones clearly.

My hand covered my mouth to void any noise escaping. His muscles were disintegrating. He was becoming a real life skeleton.

He didn't hear me enter the room so I cautiously made my way towards his bed. His knees where pressed up towards his chest as he gripped a pillow tightly hiding his face and trying to silence his cries.

I slowly reached my hand towards him but immediately stopped when he turned around to face me. He had dark define circles under his eyes and his face was red and puffy from crying. His cheek bones were pulled inward. He looked terrible. He rolled his eyes at me noticing I was staring and turned back towards his window.

"Can you get the fuck out of my room." He asked his voice harsh and cold.

I began to make my way out but stopped in my tracks not wanting to leave him alone. I looked over to an empty chair and sat in it.

He looked over to me with anger filling his eyes and face. "I told you to get the fuck out!" He started to raise his voice.

Tears were filling my eyes with the way he was talking to me. I quickly blinked them away and stared back at him.

I took a deep breath as I began to speak softly to him. "August 29th 2013." He looked at me confused wondering what the hell I was talking about. "That was the first day I noticed you. We been in high school for almost a month. You were the bad boy of the school, hung out with the wrong crowd, always getting into fights. But you still intrigued me." I looked up to him to see he was still giving me a stone cold stare. "I was walking to my car one day after school and some guy a couple grades higher than us came up to me and pinned me against my car. He was forcing himself onto me. He slid his hand up my shirt and ripped my bra off me and threw me face down onto the hood of my car. I screamed for help but everyone was gone. Or I thought everyone was gone." I closed my eyes tightly and took a big breath in trying not to lose it in front of Grayson. "Before he got any farther I felt his body leaving mine and hearing it smack to the ground. Once I turned around you were beating the shit out of him. His face was covered in blood and was unconscious but you continued to beat the piss out of him. I didn't stop you from beating him. I let you continue cause I felt he deserved it. That was also the day I began to fall for you. I felt safe around you. Once you were done beating him you walked over to me and picked me up and set me in my car to take me home. You didn't say a single word to me and I was to freaked out to say anything to you. But I seen the good in you that day and immediately knew you weren't the Grayson everyone was talking about."

I looked at him hoping he would have some kind of sympathetic look on his face. But he had a smirk planted across his face that honestly frightened me.
"Why are you smiling like that Grayson?" I asked with a hint of fear trailing my voice.

He laughed a laugh that was not his anymore. It sounded like pure evil as if something had taken him over. His eyes grew darker as if it were possible and the words that fell from his mouth put me through a state of shock.

"I should have let the bastard finish what he started." He spit as he turned back from me once again. "And I'm not going to tell you again to get the fuck out." He added calmly.

My heart sunk. I felt a knife being shoved through my heart. I contained the sobs aching to fall as my chest became more and more painful fro me holding it in. I gathered my things and made my way to the door. Before I left I turned back to him.
"Who the fuck are you Grayson?" I asked making sure he knew I was hurt.

He slowly sat up from his bed and faced me. "I'm not sure which bitch ass Grayson you met, but I'm no longer him. Better get used to it sweetheart." He smirked devilishly at me as he laid back down on his back with his hands behind his head looking towards the ceiling.

I shook my head in disbelief and walked out his room.

I've lost him forever......

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