1-Skogen (The Forest)

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We have to say that Iceland actually wasn't completely a country where is just too cold and empty unlike its name. There were green places as well. However, this little boy Emil always prefered his elder brother's green places to his. Especially, his favourites were fjords, which are the main symbols of Norwegian nature with their fresh rivers and emerald green hills. This side of nature was just like a heaven on the earth in Emil's eyes. If these places were the heaven, how could be the heaven after death?

Another day he went to those fjord hills again with his elder brother Lukas, he couldn't keep quite and finally started to talk with him about this.

"Nii-chan!" called Emil his brother with his tiny voice. 

"Hm? What is it, Ice-chan?" turned his calm looks on him, stroking his head.

"If this the heaven, then what about the other heaven you told me before?"

"Hvis jeg sier at jeg vet ikke, hva ville du tenke?" (If say that I don't know, what would you think?)

"Men (but), you always have an answer, no?"

"Jeg er ikke en gud (I'm not a god), so I cannot answer everything, only God can. However, you can be sure that the other heaven is much bigger than here, with its wider skies, longer rivers, dozens of flowers and so on."

"How do you know these?"

"Because that's what The God Odin only told us, not more." answered Lukas smiling and storking his brother's head with all the warmth in his heart. 

Emil even couldn't keep himself and smiled as an answer by reflex. He obviously could feel the same warmth in his heart. He opened his arms to his brother, Lukas caught him as he did it. He felt himself so safe in Lukas' lap, even the Nordic winds had to work more if they wanted to make him chill between his beloved brother's arms. He could stay just like that until the doom's day if that friend of his brother hadn't come.

"Bror, bror!" (Brother, brother!) reached Matthias, who is also known as Denmark, panting and gasping just after a running.

"Er det en problem?" (Is there a problem?)

"We have to....To....talk...NOW!" said he with a serious expression in his eyes, even Lukas hadn't seen him like that before. So he become even more serious than him.

"Ice-chan, please stay here, my troll friends will protect you, I have to go for now." said Lukas to Emil, putting his on the green grass again, leaving him behind with Matthias.

Emil thought that it could be an important thing maybe, whatever he was going to talk with Matthias. However he left him with his imaginary friends yet again, just like he did a few times before as well. He felt that his heart was broken somehow. He loved his brother, but he felt like he was betraying him. This couldn't be a heaven, even there was the best landscape in the world, as long as he felt alone, this wasn't the heaven in nowhere.

"I even can't see those nonsenses!"said he to himself. "Why does he always do this to me... Jeg vil ikke være alene! (I don't want to be alone!)" said he starting to cry, standing up.

He didn't know what to do, where to go, he just wanted to follow his little feet. Maybe the fate could make him happy. He started to run down through the hill with all his strenght. He felt as if his lungs were going to break to pieces, like glass pieces which were just like salt. His tear  drops were disappearing as the wind pulls them.

Finally, he lost his balance and fell down, started to roll through his way down. The thing that stopped him was an enormous and dark pine tree. Because he crashed his leg to it, he screamed with pain just for a moment. When he stood up after a big struggle, holding his leg, he saw nothing but tall pine trees of the dark, scary forest...

"Skogen..."(The forest...)

He felt something terrible about this place from the deepest point of his feelings.

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