The Initial Incident

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Gray’s POV

Nervousness sets in.

“Sam! I’m here! Where are you?” No answer, I had called her 3 times and nothing, this was so unlike her. “Jason! Answer the damn door!” I knocked again waiting for someone to answer. The silence was deafening. I couldn’t handle it. This was so un-common, the door was usually unlocked when her or her brother were home. I began to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, something wasn’t adding up.

Reality sets in.

I quickly made my way to the back of their house, rushing to get into their home, I went straight for the basement window that is an entrance into their bathroom, easily pushing it open. It was a tight squeeze but I had done it so many times that it was easy for me. Once my feet landed safely on the closed toilet seat. I closed the window again and made my way upstairs. The house was torn apart. Photos smashed on the floor, paper ripped up and scattered everywhere. There was a broken lamp and the furniture was thrown around the room.

Alarm sets in.

As fast as I could I made my way upstairs, going straight for the door to my best friends room, I stopped right in front of it, scared of what may lie behind the closed door. Frightened that the scene in front of me when I open the door will be gruesome. Finally getting the courage I reached for the handle and turned the doorknob, it opens with a click and I make my way in.

Revelation sets in.

            Lying on the floor in front of me is my best friend, her wrist is red from the blood seeping out of it, pills lay in the hardwood around her. I let out a strangled cry as I dropped to the floor and ripped off my white shirt leaving me only in a bra I furiously wrapped the shirt around the wound to try and stop the bleeding, I feel sick, like all the life has been drained out of me, this can’t be happening. The room is so silent.

Hope sets in.

I hear the door close downstairs and I know that Jason must be home. I’m screaming his name yet I don’t hear my own voice. All I hear is the pumping of blood in my ears, the adrenaline working overtime. Soon enough Jason emerges into the room his smile disappearing in seconds. “Call an ambulance!!” The tears are coming full force now and I’m whispering to my best friend, telling her that I need her, that she can’t leave me. I check her pulse and its still there, it’s faint but it’s there. Two minutes pass and finally I hear the sirens coming closer to the house. One minute later and the paramedics enter her room to take her away from me.  I’m a wreck, I know I am but that doesn’t matter at the moment. After her body is lifted onto the stretcher I follow right behind them not even caring that I’m half naked right now. I’m covered in my best friends blood, it’s covering my hands, arms, stomach and it is even in my hair from pushing it out of my face. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, the panic and fright was felt in the air with everyone. I ran behind them not caring about anything besides being right by her side. Jason was right behind me.

Worry sets in.

            Now that the official shock was subsiding worry and panic fully began to kick in. I hate the feeling of not having control of a situation, of not knowing what’s going to happen. Finally we reached the main floor and I continued on with running behind the paramedics heading towards the ambulance to head to the hospital to help save my best friend. They put the lifeless body of the girl I’ve known since basically birth into the vehicle and began to close the doors, I try to get in the vehicle at the last moment but it was family only. Jason declined the ride telling me to get into his truck to take me to the hospital, knowing I wasn’t stable enough to drive.

Numbness sets in.

            The drive to the hospital felt like it lasted hours when in reality it only lasted five minutes because we were given a pass for speeding as we had a cop escorting us to the hospital. Once we got a close enough parking spot we sprinted into the building, looking for where they have taken the girl I basically called sister. Once I finally spotted her I fell to the floor, she was pale white, she looked dead, and that made me even more terrified that maybe she was. I was only on the ground for a moment before a nurse walked over to me telling me that I needed to put some kind of clothes on if I was going to stay. But I didn’t have anything. They took my shirt when they took Sam. But Jason took off his sweater and draped it over my bare shoulders not caring if there was going to be blood on it. He helped me stand up and lead me over to a chair in the waiting room.

Curiosity sets in.

            Before sitting down I looked to the door where they took my friend one more time, this time seeing a boy. He was tall and blonde, a black lip ring sitting off to the left side of his mouth. Something about him was intriguing, and if the situation was different I would have gone over to him to talk to him, but at the moment I was to upset and nervous that I knew my voice wouldn’t work for me, let alone be able to form a sentence. So instead of walking over to him I just looked down at my bloody hands, there wasn’t much else I could do at the moment.

 A/N So heres the first part of Fate, it was first put up unedited but hopefully its better now. 

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