[ten] ˘ ³˘

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"did you do it? hobi did you ask him?!" the man was being pestered by his friends after their dance practice had ended, a fresh ice cold cup of water was propped against his lips and soon down his throat. the peach haired man couldn't hide his smile from the two staring at him with curious eyes and waiting ears. "answer us jung!" the youngest, namjoon, bounces up and down metaphorically with excitement, the sweat built up from the dance routine rolled down his forehead. "ok, okay. i asked him and— he said yes"

yoongi clapped happily and namjoon did some sort of happy dance, "that's great. you've been crushing on the kid for some time" the oldest adds with a water bottle in his hand. "are you going to see him later? he's actually working a double shift tonight" the boy nods softly, he couldn't let taehyung he bored at work, or be hungry and lonely. he made sure to take a quick shower in the locker rooms before changing back into his freshly cleaned clothes. once he was dressed, he combed with fingers through his hair, gently fluffing it into a preferred style. the man made sure to say goodbye to close friends who were getting into seokjin's car for a ride home, he of course offered but yoongi and namjoon happily declined. the traffic to get to the university was heavy for a friday mid evening, cars were backed up for miles and the stoplights were not helped the situation. usually friday's were busy but not this busy, nor did it usually take long for him to get from the studios to the actually university campus where the library was located.

many sighs left his mouth as he waited for the traffic to move so he could at least park somewhere slightly close and walk the rest of the way if the traffic was too slow. the soft humming of rock music played in the background as he finally got to his desired destination— the campus large library, where a beautiful prince worked.

hoseok grasped his wallet and placed in his pocket before leaving and locking his car behind him. outside the library always appeared empty and a lingering smell of sweets, mostly cinnamon filled the air around the large building that looked very modern from its outside appearance, but inside the building was overrun by teenagers straight out of high school being forced to pursue a higher education with debt but happiness, young adults who were slightly confused about the future and always indecisive about their dream career, and older adults trying to finally pursue their long lasting dreams of being a lawyer, chef or famous painter. people were always at the computer, not an empty one was available, some people sat in the aisles of books, reading for an assignment or trying to decide if that particular book was right for their research papers. taehyung enjoyed reading, which was what the boy was doing when hobi entered the library and walked over to his desk area.

"working hard i see" hobi says, placing his elbows on the edge of the high area separating the boy's desk from the people that came inside to ask a question. he chuckled when taehyung's widened eyes glanced up at him, a cute smile formed and he marked and closed his book. "hobi, hi!" the boy's usual boxy smile made the butterflies in his stomach flutter with grace. "sorry i ruined your concentration, tae tae, joon told me you were working a double"

"oh yeah, my co-worker is sick. personally i think she just doesn't want to come to work, i wouldn't blame her, it's very boring being alone all day. luckily i have a very handsome peachy ball of sunshine who visits me and tells me all about his day, which is usually way more fascinating than mine"

"— hm? peachy ball of sunshine? he seems like an awesome guy"

"oh, he is, has amazing taste in music as well, and he's a great dancer" tae chuckles, watching hoseok walk behind the desk, "and he has the cutest ears and pink lips"

"you like my lips?" the man teasingly licks his lips, and chuckles afterwards seeing the chestnut haired boy cheeks turn the cutest shade of rose pink. "forget i even said that" tae rolls his eyes playfully, leaning into hoseok's opened arms awaiting a warming hug. they sat side by side playing funny videos on youtube with a pair of shared pink earbuds owed by taehyung. giggles, boxy smiles and accidentally knee touches occupied them until the younger's belly began to rumble with a strong power, he leaned over to grasp his usual bag and rummaged through until he found his favorite snack. the two shared as more videos played, eventually tae grew tired and lowered his head onto hobi's firm shoulder. he could easy fall asleep but he didn't want to be a bad employee or a rude guest so he forced himself to stay awake as his sweet crush rubbed his knee and found them new videos to watch, it didn't take long for the young boy to accidentally doze off on the man's arm. hoseok didn't mind, he understood that the boy would be tired after working such a long shift plus having a full day of classes beforehand, he just enjoyed the quiet environment since many people were leaving to finish their friday off with a bang now that their class work was done. whenever he saw a person walk by towards the only exit, he imagined their life once they stepped foot out of the library, one girl with a left ear full of piercing and a shaved opposite side with green colored hair, he figured she would head to the music store, purchase a few new cd's, drove off into the sunset to meet with her friends where they'd have their own personal concert for the night while eating pizza or vegan take-out. hoseok thought that would be fun, gather his close friends in a large space and blast the music loud, loud enough for the stars to hear and dance along with a rhythmic glisten.

his brown eyes glanced over at the clock on taehyung's laptop and softly yawned, the sound of someone's stomach growling loudly made him furrow his eyebrows, "hey tae!" he loudly whispered, nudging the boy's shoulder, "i think it's almost your break time, do you want to get a snack? your tummy is begging me to buy you a snack" he chuckles, watching the lad rub his eyes and stretch his long arms and legs with a painful crunch, "you're going to go broke trying to feed me everyday, hobi"

"don't worry about that, just tell me what you want to eat? um, actually... i have an idea"

"i'm listening" he smiles, fully engaging himself with listening, his body was facing hoseok and his eyes were glued, "maybe, after you get off from work, maybe we could get dinner, i-i mean not like a date, but y'know just something small, or"

"— dinner it is. but at least allow me to pay half"

hoseok dramatically grasps at his chest, trying to achieve the facial expressions of being extremely hurt, "but you know that's against my morals kim taehyung" he enjoyed making the boy smile or blush or even just beam with excitement, "but i will allow it. you're a strong independent adult person and if you want to pay half then i will listen to your wish"

taehyung gently swats his shoulder, "gosh you're so dramatic. cute."

the older man ended buying them both a soda from the vending machine, so taehyung wouldn't be too distracted with his hunger until it was time to leave his job. the moon shined brightly above like a shiny new night light when the two left the library, taking shelter in the man's car so they could grab a quick dinner at the newly built late night korean restaurant on the other side of town, the restaurant even featured a karaoke machine and a jukebox, next time they'd be sure to sing up on stage together, but tonight hobi drove them to a small safe cliffside where they ate with tons of conversation filled with giggles and half stuffed mouths, music played in the background but wasn't very audible to their ears. their lean bellies with full of noodles, meat, fresh vegetables and shared sprite. taehyung smiled as he closed the take out container, positioning his head so he could see the faint dotting of stars in the sky from inside the car.

"can i tell you something silly?"

the driver nods, slightly turning up the volume of the music, "when i was a kid, i used to believe that stars were so massive, almost like planets. i'd tell my mother how i wanted to live upon a star where it was always warm and sparkly. my dad even made me a astronaut suit for my birthday when i was six, i used to always dream of being in space, floating around with the stars, every day— that was pretty silly to think such a thing" he chuckles, his eyes unconsciously glistening with dancing silvery stars and dainty spots. "that's so precious" the older says while pinching the young boy's cheek, "it's lovely that you were so passionate as a child, even if your dream was a bit unrealistic"

"— very unrealistic actually" the two laugh as the night grows darker. "i really like you taehyung, you're so,, warm-hearted and pleasant to be around, like, i feel like i can be around you all day long and we'd have so much fun, i— it's funny that we've only known each other for a little over a month"

the boy grasps the man's empty hand and smiles a full teethy smile that made even his eyes smile slightly due to the thickness of his rosy cheeks, "i'm glad you like me. because i like you too"


hello !! i made this chapter extra long because you guys deserve it ANNNNND because i couldn't quite stop writing because i was falling in love aaaaand because i didn't know when to stop, so, here you go !!

sorry i haven't posted a new chapter in a while, i hope this longer chapter makes up for it. i hope you guys enjoy the beautifulness of taehyung and hoseok's lovely relationship/friendship.

have a great night !! or day !! or evening 🌟

xoxo 💋

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