Sage has been dating this guy for almost three weeks now, Elliot I think his name is. With some convincing Sage accepted my dinner invitation. Sage and I have been hanging out but not as much as we used to because now his time is shared with that Elliot guy, I’m not jealous, I swear.
With little effort I picked something simple to wear, jeans, dress shirt, vest and a pair of nice sneakers that aren’t too dressy or sporty.
As I drove to the restaurant I started tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to distract myself. I just want to go to this restaurant, meet this guy, decide whether he’s good enough for Sage or not, then go home and be alone.
I parked the car and got the ticket from the valet then went inside the restaurant. The hostess asked me if I had reservations, which I confirmed, and she led me to a table in the back.
I was on time as usual and I waited for them for twenty minutes, twenty freaking minutes. If Sage were the only one meeting me here he would be on time and if I was ever late to meeting him he wouldn’t let it slide. Maybe I’m being biased and close-minded here. Whatever.
The hostess was walking over to my table and I see Sage following behind her along with who I’m assuming to be Elliot. He was all right looking, short brown hair and he was shorter than Sage. Sage was was ten times better looking than him and made him look good.
“Will, I’m so sorry we’re late I know—”
“It’s all my fault,” Elliot said cutting him off. “I got caught up with something. I was the one driving and I made us late.” I just stared at him. “I’m Elliot by the way,” He introduced.
Being polite I shook is outstretched hand, “Liam,” I said. I motioned for them to sit since it didn’t look like they were going to.
“Will, I know how much you hate tardiness I’ll make it up to you I promise.” I nodded my head while Elliot raised a brow at Sage. I resisted the urge to smirk.
The waitress came over and we ordered our drinks and she left. “So,” Elliot started. “Sage has told me so much about you, Liam”
“You’ve been talking about me, Sage?” I asked playfully. I saw his cheeks turn red and he immediately bought his elbow up on top of the table and placed his cheek in his hand to hide his blush from Elliot. I turned my attention back to Elliot, “I’d be offended if he didn’t we’re pretty close”
“Yea? How long have you guys known each other?”
“About two years. How long have you known him?”
He put his arm around Sage as if to prove some kind of ownership of him. Is that necessary? “I’ve known of him for a long time since we work at the same place but I only got the courage to speak to him about two months ago and then I developed some more courage and asked him out couple weeks ago,” he explained.
“What drew you to him?” I asked. I want to know what the guy intentions are.
“Anyone can see how breathtaking he looks. Even a straight man could—” True that. “He just has this Aura that pulls you in and makes you want to know more about him”
“I’m right here,” Sage said interrupting me, as I was about to agree and say that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to be friends with him.
“Plus he’s sexy as hell,” Elliot added looking at Sage like he was the last thing on the planet to eat. As much as I agree that Sage is sexy I don’t like this guy, plus, Sage doesn’t like being talked about like that. He finds it derogatory and thinks if the person doesn’t know him well or long enough the person is attracted to his body and not him.
“I told you not to,” Sage said a bit irritated, I could hear it in his voice.
“Can’t deny the truth, babe.” Sage gave him a dirty look. “Alright,” Elliot said chuckling. “I won’t, I apologize, alright?” Sage nodded and Elliot leaned forward to kiss him. I watched with intent to see if Sage was going to accept this kiss, I swear if he does he and I would have a discussion about PDA. To my relief Sage turned his head and Elliot kissed him on his cheek instead. Sage looked at me after probably sensing that I’m watching. I made to sure to put my best poker face on so that he wouldn’t sense that the green-eyed monster was slowly taking over me.
When Michele our waitress returned with our drinks we ordered our meal. Sooner than expected our meals arrived. “Waitress—”
“Her name is Michele,” I interrupted Elliot. What’s with this guy? She had told him her name three times already and he still kept saying waitress. I get that’s her job and all but modesty doesn’t hurt a soul.
“I’m sorry,” he said with a fake smile. “Michele, I would like two slices of Chocolate Peanut Crunch Ice Cream Cake…please”
“Sage is allergic to peanut,” I told him knowing Sage was going to tell him but I did anyways to irritate him. He looked at Sage for confirmation and Sage nodded.
“Oh okay. Make that one slice t—”
Is he an idiot? “If you want a goodnight kiss from Sage I suggest you forget about that ice cream cake.”
“Fuck,” he said in a whisper but everybody heard him loud and clear. “Never mind!” he hissed. Michele smiled at me thankfully and I winked at her. I looked over at Sage and he looked really embarrassed. What does he see in this guy?
When the bill came like always Sage wanted to pay and he know I won’t let him, he still hasn’t learned yet. That idiot Elliot was on his phone. After I paid the bill and left a generous tip for Michele we went to collect our cars. Theirs came first and mine shortly after. “I’m going to talk to Will for a second,” Sage said to Elliot, Elliot smiled then went into the car.
“What do you see in him?” I asked Sage not wasting a second.
“He’s not usually like that I don’t know why he acted like that. He’s probably just jealous, he gets jealous easily”
“That’s not an excuse to be an ass, Sage”
“I know and I’m not making excuses he’s really sweet to me and I want to see if this is going to work”
“Is he a good kisser?”
"Have you slept with him?”
“William! You know I’m not like that”
“I know, I’m just messing with you, kiddo. I’ll see you.” I stopped myself mid step as I was going to kiss him goodbye. Can’t do that anymore.
“Bye.” He went into the car and I went to mine. I hit the gas pedal and sped around their car. I didn’t care if I got a ticket. I drove home, changed my clothes and went to let off some steam at the gym.

You Always Belonged To Me (BoyxBoy)
Romance(This book contains sexual contents) William met Sage at a party and even though he knew he was straight he still felt an attraction towards Sage. Sage is scared of relationships and commitment because he's doesn't want to be hurt anymore. William...