Chapter Ten

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            Two weeks have passed and Sage seems to be back to his old self for almost a week now. He came over out of the blue (not that I minded) and basically molested me. I welcomed his molestation with opened arms. Holy hell I sound like a masochist or just a plain freak. That’s beside the point though. The point is Sage is back to his old self but I can’t help the nagging feeling that he wouldn’t tell me what’s wrong with him. I asked him once and when he said nothing even though it wasn’t enough for me I let him be.

            When he’s ready to talk he’ll come around. I wouldn’t want to be forced into talking about something I don’t want to or I’m not ready to share. It could be something embarrassing for him or maybe it’s a secret, one that’s not for him to tell. I don’t know. When I had asked him about his second phone he said it was for work and sometimes he forgets it even exists and I believe him because sometimes he forgets his regular phone exists.

            As far as Elliot is concerned Sage hasn’t mentioned him but I know he’s been calling him still. I’ve had some people watching Elliot to make sure he doesn’t go near Sage and to make sure he’s not following him. I was informed that he followed Sage a couple times but he went nowhere near him. If he does he’ll be regretting it.

            While I was lying in bed this morning thinking about Sage (Have I mentioned how much I love his name?) something dawned on me, I haven’t nor have I ever taken Sage out on a date. The closest we’ve been to going on a date his him accompanying me to pick up takeout or sitting in my dinning room or kitchen eating together after Sage cooked.

            So when the perfect moment strikes I’m going to ask him out on a date. Maybe a moment won’t strike since I have the tendency to just blurt things out. Take the other day for instance; he was in my office finishing up some work on his laptop. He could have done it at his house but I missed him and I wanted to be with him even if his attention was somewhere else. He had this serious focused look on his face and I accidently told him that I like the look on his face when he’s about to come than the one he’s wearing now. His face turned pink with embarrassment and my eyes went wide when I realize what I had said.

            Two days later I picked him up from work and we were driving and out of nowhere I asked him if he ever thought about getting tied up in bed. He stuttered before he told me not really because he’s not sure he would enjoy it. His reason was because he likes to touch and claw. Oh, he likes to claw all right; just ask my back. I smirked and continue to drive while he blushed at his confession. I might just tie him up one day and he would enjoy it, I would make sure of it.

            A friend called me today asking me to meet up. I haven’t seen her in a long time and ever since Sage and I officially got together we’ve been spending most of our time together. I’m not complaining because there is no one I would rather spent my day being tied up with. To hold him, be on top of him, in him, kissing him, touching him, licking his—okay I’m getting a boner. I can’t wait to get my hands on him tonight.

            Shaking my head out of my dirty thoughts I stepped out of the car crabbing some quarters on the way to pay the meter. The restaurant I was meeting Francesca wasn’t anything fancy, it a nice place for having small meals and it’s close to Sage’s office, it’s literally three blocks away. I should meet up with him here for lunch sometime in the future.

            Francesca didn’t notice me when I walked in since her head was down so I tiptoed up to her and touched her side causing her to yelp and almost jumped out of the seat. I laughed as she glared at me. Once she settled down back in her seat I gave her a kiss on the cheek and I noticed she slightly flinched and stiffened but I wasn’t going to question it. She probably thought I was going to mess with her again.

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