Sage is really starting to piss me off. This is the fourth time this week he canceled on me or called to change plans because fucking Elliot had plans for them. I hate that fucker; I really want to use his body as a punching bag. I’m not speaking out of jealousy but I feel like he’s purposely trying to piss me off. It’s been a month and few weeks since I met him and I haven’t seen him since and I don’t plan on it. Sage was right when he said the guy was jealous. Sage said Elliot doesn’t like when he’s with me but who gives a fuck? I don’t!
I just want to see him and spend some time with him, is that too much to ask for? We’re not messing around anymore and I don’t make moves on him or say inappropriate things when he’s around me. I don’t try to hug him or touch him or compliment him or anything. I let him chose to be with some other guy and now I want to spend a little time and I can’t because of fucking stupid asshole Elliot.
Infuriated I picked up my phone and dialed Sage’s number. He picked up on the third ring.
“Hey,” he answered.
“What do you mean you can’t?” I hissed.
“Will, calm down—”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Sage. This is the fourth time this week you’ve canceled on me. I promised you nothing would change between us and I’m trying to keep that promise but you’re making it really difficult, Sage!”
“What do you want me to say? He’s my boyfriend!”
“I don’t give a fuck! You were my friend first and just because you have someone else doesn’t mean you push me away damn it!”
“Will, I’m sorry”
“You’ve never apologized to me so much before you started dating this guy. Would it kill you to say no to him because you had already made plans with your friend?”
“It’s not that easy, you don’t understand!”
“Explain it to me then. Explain to me why I can’t see my friend because his boyfriend wants him all for himself”
“You’re starting to sound like a jealous boyfriend or something. We’re just friends and he’s my boyfriend why are you making me feel guilty about this?”
“Thanks for clearing that up!” I snapped then end the call.
Fucking asshole. I can’t believe he just said that to me. I’m making him feel guilty? I’m not the one constantly picking my boyfriend of two months over a guy I’ve had two years of friendship with. Why do I even care? If he wants to spend all his time with is short boyfriend. Have I mentioned how much I hate Elliot? I do!
The doorbell rang just when I hit the dial button on the phone to order some Spanish food. Behind door number one, Sage Martin. I attempted to slam the door but he stopped it with his foot. I wasn’t in the mood to argue so I walked away from him even though I know he’s going to follow me.
“We need to talk,” He demanded.
“I have nothing to say to you,” I told him very calmly.
“I don’t care if you don’t I have something to say to you.” I kept walking not sure where I’m going in this house. “William!” He shouted grabbing my wrist. I turned around and looked at his hand around my wrist then to his face. He got the point and let go. “Will, I’m sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it the way it came out. I’m not choosing him over you,” He explained and for some reason that made me angry again because that’s exactly what he’s been doing.
“Get out! Go home, Sage!”
“What? Why?” He asked taken back.
“That’s the most bullshit filled apology I’ve ever heard. If that’s the best you got I can do without!” I hissed.
Why are you being so harsh?”
“Because I’m trying my hardest and you don’t even care. You know how much I cared for you even before we started messing around. Why am I wasting my time trying to keep something you don’t even want?”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying go be with your boyfriend and leave me alone, I’m done!”
“Why are you doing this to me!” He yelled. I never heard him yell before but now I’m too pissed to even feel bad that he’s that angry.
“Go home!” I hissed.
“Why?” He insisted his voice still high.
“Go home, Sage!” I growled. “I’m done arguing with you”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me that we’ll still be friends!”
“Why? So you can continue to hurt me? So you can continue to blow me off for your boyfriend? Can’t you see that I’m in love with you and you don’t even care about me the least bit to make our friendship work?” I yelled frustrated.
“You’re in love with me?” He asked in a hush whisper.
“Are you blind or deaf?”
“Will—” The ringing of his phone cut him off. “Hello,” he answered turning his back to me as if that’s going to prevent me from hearing what he’s saying. “Yes…I’ll be there soon…I know…yea give me ten minutes...okay,” he hang the phone up then turned to me. “I’m sorry but—”
“You’ve made your choice yet again, now, get the fuck out!” I demanded angrier than I was before. I didn’t even wait for him to leave I walked out the room he was in and found my way up to my bedroom where there is a lock on the door. I put some music on and turned the volume up a little, next I put my phone on silent then closed the blinds leaving my room in complete darkness then went to bed.

You Always Belonged To Me (BoyxBoy)
Romance(This book contains sexual contents) William met Sage at a party and even though he knew he was straight he still felt an attraction towards Sage. Sage is scared of relationships and commitment because he's doesn't want to be hurt anymore. William...