Chapter Twelve

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Hello :) I really don't know why this story is so easy for me to write. Everything just flows and I just write. Hmm. Maybe I was a gay man in another life. *shrugs* Don't be mad at me at the end of this, please? Thanks very thoughtful! XOXOX

            “Here, I wrote you something,” I said to Sage taking the note out of my jacket pocket and reaching it towards him. He looked at it skeptical. Finally, he took it from my hand.

            “Should I read it out loud?” He asked while unfolding it.

            “Whatever suits you,” I said looking at him. His smile just makes everything better.

            “Okay,” he said and started reading. “Dear Sage, my everything,” He paused to look at me and I gave him a smile and a nod that told him to go on. “Our relationship didn’t start out on the most assuring terms. For a long time I’ve denied the feelings I have for you and even when I came terms I didn’t want to ruin your new found happiness and I had no intentions of doing so but if you were meant to be with him when I confessed to you that I loved you, you would have been with him right now and not me. I’ve been in love before, I won’t lie to you but it never felt this way. A way I wish I could explain but I can’t. What I do know is that it engrosses me, it makes me want to do better for you, for myself and for us.”

            “Many nights I wish you had stayed with me instead of going home because it’s hard not being near you sometimes. Sometimes I come off as clingy and I know that. It’s just no feeling compares to when I’m close to you, looking at you, and feeling you in my arms. It makes everything feels so real and I’m not scared that I’m going to open my eyes and I was dreaming,” he paused then shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.

            “When I said I loved you, it was a promise. A promise to be there for you always, to never disrespect you, to be true and faithful to you. A promise to never deceive or betray you or any trust you have in me and to never forsake you when it comes to situations in my control. The love I feel for you sometimes make me wonder just what I wouldn’t do for you and what extent I would go to protect you from those who try to harm you. I’m not scared though, because I know you won’t let me do anything stupid. It was a promise to care for you the best I can and make the greatest efforts to do things for you, if only you’d let me.”

            “I love you and unfortunately I can only say that in English and Spanish. Te amo, bebe,” he paused again and this time he blinked a couple times and cleared his throat like he did before. “I would rather die,” pause. Sage looked at me and I smiled just a little. I hadn’t realized I wrote all that and my heart was beating rapidly in my chest. This wasn’t a note. It was a freaking love letter. A love confession. He sighed. “I would rather die than to have all my friends if that meant being without you. If I had to choose between you and a million friends I would choose you. If I had to fight a thousand battles no matter how many I would lose I would do it all just to have you at the end. I’ll always choose you. I’ve never wanted anything more than I want to be with you. Love, Will.”

            Sage didn’t do anything. He just looked at the paper like it—I don’t know. As if it weren’t real. Maybe that was too much for him, I thought. He looked at the paper and I looked at him. The expression on his face, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s almost as if he’s in shock. Slowly he turned to face me and the look in his eyes had me blushing and I bit my lip feeling extremely naked. I felt like not only my mind but my actual soul was naked. He turned side ways so that one of his leg was crossed on the seat just like I was and slowly, almost tentative he reached his hand over and brushed it against my cheek. My heart swelled in my chest and a sudden chill came over me. His gaze held me captive and I couldn’t look away. His eyes searched mine and I could see his eyes getting teary. I wanted to say comforting words to him but I was rendered speechless, instead, I put my hand over his that was on my cheek.

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