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Why do I feel so empty?
The meds stopped working 
I can't breathe properly.
I'm fading away.
Into the black.
Most people are afraid.
This time I won't be coming back.
Seven blades hidden.
All in different places.
One in my dresser,
One in my shoelaces.
All over the place.
Where no one can see.
That I'm never going back
To the old happy me.
That me is dead.
Im sorry I took her life 
But these anti depressants
Can't bring back that side.
So get used to this.
This me who rarely ever smiles.
Who's afraid of almost everything.
Who can't bring up a conversation for the fear she'll be judged.
Who speaks all the words she wants to say in real life through poetry and stories.
Who wants to die.
Because life is harder than death.

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