Inside the Television

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I gaze into this silly electric box

waiting for the show to start

not aware of the engine zooming up behind me

shocking me as it carries me away...

RIght into the screen it carries me

as I hold on tight, fearing injury

but all that happens, to my surprise

is the opening into a galactic world

I find myself floating in space, surrounded by glimmering stars

and also an armada of space ships, quite a sight,

that spans for miles into all directions of the galaxy

waiting for something shocking to happen

Without warning, the front line explodes

into a ball of crimson fire and ash

as the enemy attacks without warning

with glee and ferocious tenacity

I can only watch agape as star ships explode left and right

never meant to fly again, to touch the endless sky

If only I could aid these noble defenders,

prevent total annihalation of all they hold dear!

Before I can even move, I am yanked away once more

back through the screen, through the dimentional portal

to sit on the floor in shock, gazing at the t.v.

wondering to myself, how will this episode end?

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