What Must Be Done

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I find myself at the gate of a massive stone keep

taking in the mysterious bluish-green haze everywhere

wondering where I am, why I'm here, and for what

purpose I serve, an outlander in this strange land

To my right I see a procession of religious characters

wearing odd yet extravagant robes decorated in mystic symbols

they pass me by and one member of this spiritual parade

chooses to step out of line and stare at me with a terrified look

Before I can ask a single question, she urgently warns me

that by being here, the enemy will attack very soon

who it what this enemy was, I didn't have time to ask

due to the sudden roar of battle drums resounding in the distance

The maiden groans and tells me that I will be the savior

or the great destructor of my host, all depending on the next choice

I make, an important one that will determine just how

much bravery is locked within my flesh

With a hurried wave, the acolyte disappears, and then

I'm surrounded by the militia who all wear expressions of fear

as we all listen to the drums edging ever closer, the harbinger

of the doom rapidly approaching this stalwart estate

They all hear my shudder of anxiety as their eyes

bore into my skin, all of them realizing that I am not

one of their own, but yet, in the eyes of the female

acolyte, I could be their savior, how so I can't fathom

That is when it dawns on me what must be done

as it hits me hard that the girl saw a wealth of power

in my soul, a source that can only be tapped into by

performing the bravest act of all: sacrifice

After forcing a deep breath in and out of my lungs

I calmly tell the gathered soldiers to pierce my body

with three arrows, two on my hands, one on my feet

indeed, it will be a crucifixion lacking a cross...

Within the course of a minute, I am nailed

to the stone wall of the keep, taking in the mixture

of expressions on their faces: pity, grief, shock,

but also, sadly in the majority...relief that they aren't me

Rushing out of me is three trickles of ruby blood

that forms a small pool at my feet, showing a surprisingly

calm face, my own face, how contradictory it is...and so,

I whisper a soft farewell to the soldiers and close my eyes one last time...

The teal haze wraps around me, obscuring all senses

as my consciousness collapses in on itself

all while a strange warm feeling overwhelms me

out of curiosity, I open my eyes and behold the majesty before me

All around me, the mist has lifted, revealing a beautiful

courtyard completely lacking any sign of preparation

for battle, also showing not one soldier...I look at the golden

girl next to me, and realize I'm in paradise after all

It is the girl from before, but devoid of those odd garments,

wearing a simple forest green robe and a glowing smile,

that makes me gasp as I take in my own gaurdian angel,

who takes me into the keep, into my eternal home where hope is a constant...

It is moments like these that make me smile, for they prove

to me that heaven really is...a place on earth.

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