School Trip in Italy

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Ah, Italy, land of fine wine and pasta

an interesting place to visit, especially if

you happen to go there with a very motley

crew...your rambunctious classmates

We view what looks to be a royal gaurd

storming through the streets of an ancient city

either for show or because they have sacred

duties that must be fulfilled at all costs

At last, we all arrive at a port on the edge of the land

shuddering with excitement over the promise of a

luxurious stay upon several massive boats that will take

us to the farthest reaches of this exotic country

Before we can search for the ships, we must make

our way across a wire rail, and not fall into the shallow

waters, lest we be forced to stay in a plain, boring

ship for the many nights to come

I am the last to go, and I chuckle as more than

half of my fellow adolescent miscreants tumble

into the salty pond below them, all of them snarling

at their apparent bad luck as I decide to improvise

With a focus of my will, two massive white wings sprout

from my back, carrying me from the ledge I stand on

to the wooden platform far away, ignoring the angry insults

hurled at me by those poor, jealous fools

The wings fade away, and I sigh in disappointment

when I see that besides myself, only a handful of students

managed to get across the wire pass to this platform

I hear a girl gasp, and we all take in the glory coming towards us

Rushing towards us from the misty shore comes forth

an armada of massive wooden vessels, the foremost

appearing to be the luxurious cruisers our teacher had spoke of

how thrilled I was, to be able to ride upon such a ship

Before I can continue to revel in my glory, two of

the finest ships edge close to us, not more than 30 feet away

if they were to be a true pleasure of us, they would never have

done the heinous crime that happened next

All of a sudden, one of the ships before me flys into

the air, crashing back down onto the water, causing

a monstrous wave several feet high to wash over us all,

blanketing us with the sea water, not allowing time to escape

Nothing but a ghastly sea-green is what I see swirling around me,

as I slowly lose consciousness, until all I can behold is a pure black abyss...

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