Chapter 4 - Flashback

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of footsteps and rough shuffling outside of the bedroom. It sounded like someone was in a hurry.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and it took me a moment to adjust to the bright light shining through the window, but what made me get up quickly was the sound of a suitcase being zipped open.

I peered through the slightly ajar door, and I cursed under my breath when the door made a creaky sound as I opened it a bit further. That stopped James from packing his guns briefly, and while still holding a gun he looked at me with a cold and determined gaze.

Was he leaving me?

"James? Where are you going?" I couldn't help my curiosity as I now stepped out of the bedroom and took a step forward. There was a worried look plastered on my face. Why did he need guns?

His dangerous eyes looked at mine as I got slightly closer, which made me stop in my tracks.

"I'll be gone for two days. There's enough food in the fridge. Don't attempt to leave the house for your own sake." He demanded with authority. Why was he so cold?

I creased my forehead, confused. I hugged my arms from discomfort and his coldness. He was leaving me, and he was treating me like a dog. Did he think all I needed was food and a bed?

He didn't make any sense, and I felt trapped. As he continued packing his suitcase quickly and quietly, I kept staring at him. The longer I stared, the more angry I got.

My patience has run out.

I huffed.

"You're leaving me alone, trapped in your house to do some shady business and you won't even take me to my family?" I blurted out with courage, and put my hands on my hips.

Maybe I went too far.

Making him angry, the only man I knew then and thought of as my home was a bad idea. A really bad idea, because he threw something in his suitcase as he lost his temper.

He walked towards me quickly with that dangerous and stern look in his eyes, and I stood there like a deer in headlights waiting for its death. I took a step back unknowingly until my back hit the kitchen island, and he trapped me there with his hands on either side of it.

"Listen to me loud and clear, Allie." He raised his voice.

He didn't realise through his anger that he made me flinch, yet again. Did he ever realise his anger scared me? I got lost in my thoughts for a moment. I filtered out some of his words directed at me through his close proximity, before I finally focused on what he was saying.

"-tected you and risked my life. Don't question what I do, be a good girl and stay here for your own good. Do you understand?" He said with authority.

I could only nod and look down, but I pursed my lips and tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I fought them. I felt like a child being scolded.

The anger from this man scared me and sometimes made me feel like I couldn't trust him.

But he had his gentle side showing often, without this cold exterior. He just didn't seem to know how to behave around me.

There was a moment of silence.

He still stood in front of me, and I looked down at the floor. He seemed to realise how he behaved just moments later, and came closer to wipe my tears that were threatening to fall with his thumb, but I didn't let him. I turned my head away, which made him sigh and reluctantly pull his hand away.

"I'll stay. Be safe." I said quietly, not looking up.

He nodded and walked away to finish packing quickly. He grabbed his leather jacket and beanie and put them on before walking out with his now zipped up suitcase. Without another word or looking back.

I wanted to know more about where he was going. Seeing as he packed his guns it immediately made me think he was going to be in danger. I couldn't lose the only person I had in my life, when he seemed to know but hide so much at the same time. I decided to listen to him and stay at his house.

He said it was for my sake.

I didn't know what that meant, but I had to trust him. It's not like I had anywhere else to go. Immediately after he left, the house felt empty, and I felt lonely.

It was too quiet, too boring without his presence.

I suddenly realised that I didn't even have a phone and never asked him to contact me, but it's not like he would even want to, right?

I sighed.

Great. I was going to worry about him and stay trapped in his house for two days, and if anything happened to him I wouldn't even know. I didn't even know his full name. He could disappear and never come back. My thoughts spiralled out of control, out of fear of losing him.

I realised that I got attached to him in a span of a few days. He was my anchor, the only thing keeping me sane while I battled with my amnesia.

I remembered his sweet gestures since we first met. He carried me to his car and made sure I was okay. He saved me from drowning when I lost consciousness. He saw me naked more than once. He gave me food and medicine. He took care of me, and booked a private doctor to check my health. He also shouted at me a few times and got really angry, like he cared.

He cared.

I sat on the sofa and turned on the tv. At least there was one thing to occupy my mind, to stop crying like a baby hoping that maybe one person in this world cared about me.

Oh, and he kissed my neck so hungrily. I blushed, remembering how it unfolded. There I go again, not being able to focus on this random cooking channel I just switched on, on tv. I bit my lower lip as I thought about his grey-green eyes looking back at me.

It has been three days since he left.

I felt like I was going mad. Probably from worry and fear that something had happened to him.

He said he was going to come back after two days.

As I bit my nails, anxiously pacing around the kitchen and kept peering out the window as if he was about to turn up any second, my anxiety has triggered another flashback from my memory:

"He isn't what you want, Allie. I can't stand watching him treat you like that anymore."

"What do you know? Are you trying to say you'd be better?!" I raised my voice at the man. I've never seen myself feeling this angry and hurt at the same time.

"I would never-"

I didn't let him finish.

"You would never even think to be with me. It's your job to protect me. I know that. You told me yourself I'm just a little girl and you have no interest in me. So don't give me love advice!"

And I slammed the door in front of him.

At first I didn't recognise who stood in front of my bedroom door, because the man was wearing a suit, but when I remembered his face and the guilty look in his piercing grey-green eyes, I knew instantly that this was a memory I shared with James.

At the end of the flashback, I felt a sharp pain in my head. Much stronger than the previous one. I've put both hands on my head as I fell down on my knees. I tightly closed my eyes as I couldn't stand the pain and I curled up on the floor.

I faintly heard the door open, but I couldn't think straight.

I heard some things being dropped on the ground, as he immediately hurried towards me.



This story has been first published a few years ago, and now that I'm rewriting it and updating everything, it doesn't seem like it's getting any reads. :<
Would be lovely to know if anyone is reading this story. I'm really enjoying finally writing it properly.

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