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After sitting there for about 5 minutes I decided to read them. I opened the first one.

Dear Savannah,
I didn't know if I Eyeball told you already but him and my dad already sent me to military school. I wanted to say goodbye but by the time they told me they dragged me onto a bus and just took me. I'm hoping to be home soon before the end of school year hopefully before the school dance I know I promised you and the boys that we have to go together but I don't know if I'm going to be there on time I really hope to see you soon. I'm going to miss you and Gordon more then anybody. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise but I hope ur not mad. If u guys r I'm srry but plz don't think it's my fault.

I then read the second one.

Hey Curtis
It's been 3 months now and I haven't gotten a letter from you please don't be mad at me it really wasn't my choice I would never leave you and the guys like that. I hope everything is well for you guys. I hope the club house is still in one piece make sure you don't let Teddy burn it down when he's playing army and make sure Gordie also doesn't turn into a library. It's not too bad over here I mean it sucks without having you guys and everybody here to laugh with. But there's nothing here except fights and it gets real bad like how Ace and Dally fight. I'm pretty quiet here and just mind my own business so guys don't really mess with me here but its frustrating bc they make us do really stupid stuff. I purposely don't listen now just to show them I'm not gonna change. I hope to hear from you and the guys soon once again I'm really sorry and I miss you guys tell the guys I said hi.

And I finally got to the final letter.

Come on Savannah I said I was srry. I feel really bad. I miss u and the guys a lot. I miss cracking jokes with u guys I miss playing BS and sports with u guys. I still remember all Gordie's stories I remember how I guys would laugh and when we would watch tom and Jerry. I still remember when u tried to help Verno find his Pennies and when u couldn't find him u guys went to go buy some Pez! Plz when I get back I promise we'll go play army with Teddy find Vern's Pennies go to the park and play baseball or football with u and we'll listen to all Gordie's stories. Then we can go talk to Two bit about what the hell goody is if he's a dog or what not. Look I really miss u guys and ur brothers and ur mom and dad. I still remember when ur mom took us hiking and ur dad taught me Sodapop and Steve how to fix a car belt when it's loose. Tell ur parents and the gang that I said high. I'm really srry I hope to hear from you guys soon. This will be my last letter till u respond.
-miss u guys

Just then I remembered. Chris left 2 months before mom and Dad died. He doesn't know. I was thinking to myself how Chris is gonna be when he finds out. I cried for a month every night bc I missed them and me and pony got the worst nightmares of them. Just as I was thinking Two bit walked in. I quickly put the letters under my pillows but he already saw them.
"What r those?" He asked sitting on my bed.
"Just papers"
"Well I can see that"
"Ok well whatever what up two bit"
"I heard u have to go to a dance!" He sang.
"No I don't what r u talking about"
"Terrible liar really but I heard Baby and Darry talking about it. Baby is gonna take u to get ur hair done and everything" he laughed.
"Oh god" I said throwin myself on my bed.
"Can this day get any worse"
"Well me dally r goin out and Darry and Baby were gonna go out so u and pony and Johnny wanna come?"
"I'll go"
"Alright after Superman leaves we'll go"

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