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Everyone was asleep already. Johnny was on the couch Steve was in Superman's chair Dally was on the floor bc we all new he would never throw Johnny on the floor and Two bit is probably gonna sleep on the floor when we get back. Two bit and I got some blue smash potatoes 2 apples 3 bottles of water 1 banana and 5 slices of left over pizza. That should last him 3 days. Two bit drove me up to the tree house he couldn't go to the exact location though. It was for 1 private and there was no rode to find it. U just walked up a hill or ran threw a grassy field. I took a duffle bag of food up to it. I did the special knock we have. I could tell I started him because I heard him take a loud breath in and I think hit his head on something.
"Curtis? Is that u?" He asked still with a morning voice.
"Ya Chris open up" I whispered. He let me in and helped me up.
"Damn it's cold man" I said sitting down.
"Nah I got some warm blankets did u walk here with no jacket?" He asked concerned almost.
"No Two bit gave me a ride here" I said taking off my bag and setting it down.
"What? He knows I'm here? Vannah what if he tells some one?" He asked nervous.
"Two bit dosent do shit. He was really happy to know u were back" I smiled. Chris then gave me a blanket to warm myself up.
"Ya of course. I also have so much black mail on everyone he won't say anything" I smiled.
"Man the foods great thanks" he said pulling everything out.
"No prob"
"Hey ur picture of ur parents and ur brothers are in here" he said pulling it out.
"Oh shoot I've been looking for that thanks. I went on a trip and I take it every where with me" I smiled. We looked at it for a little while. I can tell so many things were raising threw his mind.
"Do you ever miss them" he asked.
"Ya a lot. I think about them almost every night"

" U know I remember the first time me Gordie Teddy and Verno went to ur house for the first time. I remember ur dad was fixing the truck and he asked for help so we did and after we took it out for a ride and he said it ran better than ever. I remember meeting your brothers  and them teasing you about us all the time. I will never forget how amazing ur mom's cooking was too. She made the best lasagna and home made pizza. U know ur family always treated ur friends and ur brothers friends like family. I would always remember thinking about how it would be like if I had a family like yours. If my brother never totally abused me with my dad just for fun but if we would have fun how ur brothers are with u. And if my dad would go out and play catch with me or taught me how to fix a car. Or actually just ever hung out for fun. Or if my mom stayed and if she would have cared for me"

"Chris my mom loved u more than anyone could imagine. I just wish u could have gotten to say goodbye" I said feeling well up in my eyes.
"I wish we all got to say goodbye" I said remembering everything about her.
"I'm really sorry Savannah for bringing it up" he frowned.
"Don't be. I like talking about my mom. Sometimes even if I cry it makes me feel better." I said looking up at him.
"Did she really like me or was just being polite?" He asked curiously.
"R u kidding me. She loved u Chris. She loved that u and the guys were so good with me. U remember what it was like for me trying to be with other girls. I didn't fit in but u guys made me feel normal. She loved u guys as her own Chris no lie about that"
"But why did the one person that cared about me have to go! Y did the only people who liked me have to go huh man?! I'm just another screw up" he said now crying getting angry. I didn't like what he was saying about himself cuz non of it was true.
" Stop Chris that's not true and you know that! My parents weren't the only ones who cared about u! Me and Gordie care about you man. Ur our brother. After Denny died u were the one who looked out for Gordie. U were the one who kept him goin with writing. And u have always been my 4th brother. We all need u man. U will always have someone around u who Cares about you"
"But y did she have to go" he said with tears just coming out.
"I don't know. I really don't. I wish I could have stopped it so" I started to cry.
"I should have done something Chris I should have told them to stay or pretend I was sick" I sobbed.
"Vannah u couldn't of done anything man u didn't know" he said trying to comfort me. Eventually we just kinda cried it out and he rested his head on my shoulder. I then realized we've been in the tree house for an hour. After we calmed down I told him I had to go.
"I'll see you tomorrow with all the guys" I said giving him his blanket back.
"Ok bye" he waved.

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