You had been packing for weeks and it was finally He day you where leaving you had already said your goodbyes to most people but your sisters really wanted to come over to meet you and y/l/s/n (your little sisters name) Eagerly wanted to meet Luke so you rushed up and prepared everything made sure your bags where ready had a quick coffee before Luke woke up and hugged you saying "baby we are not leaving until a while later come back to bed." In his morning voice "I know but I have to get everything ready." He instantly picks you up over his back while you hit his back screaming "luke put me down right now." He brings you back to bed tucks you in and explains how you shouldn't stress and that everything will be fine he kisses you and you cuddle until you fall back to bed. You wake up again this time after Luke who had already prepared everything including your outfit
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You had no time to meet your sister at the house so you where going to meet them a the airport you and Luke headed out followed by the boys and saw you sisters there you younger sister ran up to Luke as he picked her up giving her a kiss on the cheek. You said your goodbyes before she just had to give Luke another hug. You walk of while Luke smirks saying "you where totally getting jealous." "Babe she's five." You reply as you hit his arm and head through for checking your bags. You finally got through security and headed pass the gates it was completely packed and there was one space which Luke sat on and motioned his hand on his lap for you to sit on top. You all chilled before your gate was called and all boarded the plane and sat down. The plane had been flying for about 30 minutes and you started to get cold since as you only wore a vest and Luke sees you shivering as he hands over his flannel revealing his arms "babe no you don't have long sleeves either." "Well then we can cuddle so we both warm up.0 he wraps the shirt around you and you both cuddle and eventually fall asleep when you awake you realise you received a picture from Calum
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And instantly post it tagging luke and Calum captioning To my little sweetie Lukey pie I'm so thankful for you and for the most amazing gift ever and I'm glad I get to experience it with the best people ever.
Luke wakes up and you both watch movies and chill by then you had finally landed and had finally headed out to get your bags and into the couch to head to the hotel. You finally head to the hotel in a separate room to the boys and you both instantly fall asleep. Just before you took a picture of Luke