2 - l'ange apparaît deux fois plus

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2 - l'ange apparaît deux fois plus

Edwin sheepishly entered his world history classroom almost five minutes after the bell had rung, slowed considerably by his run-in with the angel. All of his classmates were sat on the ground in a circle, notecards in hand. His face burned with embarrassment as 29 pairs of eyes followed his path to his desk, where he sat down his bag and joined the circle, not needing any notecards.

As soon as the discussion really picked up, Edwin retrieved his usual gusto for the subject and earned a plentiful bunch of impressed glances, mostly from his teacher, Mrs. Hannigan.

Next, Edwin traveled five doors down to his English class, where the students were currently constructing argumentative essays. This was a breeze for Edwin, and he soared through nearly seven rough drafts of his essay supporting marriage equality before the period came to a close. He hadn't been planning on writing about said topic, especially considering he was the very farthest thing from out, but overhearing two of his richer classmates condemning quote unquote 'fag marriage' had convinced him to take on the topic. It seemed to make Mrs. Vanderbluff vaguely uneasy, but Edwin knew that this was simply because she wasn't used to hearing harsh opinions on such controversial topics from children.

When the bell rang to signal the end of third period, Edwin made his way to French class. He bid bonjour to Ms. Leblanc, then sat down at an empty desk in the back of the room and let his eyes wander to the front of the room. His heart felt as if it had jumped into his throat when he saw a familiar sight in the very front row.

L'ange sat at the front of the room, all of his attention focused on the simple English to French translations written in bright green marker on the dry erase board.

Edwin had learned French on a whim when he was in the fifth grade, and was now almost fluent in the language, but he still enjoyed taking the class, because in addition to the French language, the class examined interesting bits of French culture and history.

Anyway, l'ange was fiddling with a black ballpoint pen between his fingers, and Edwin was oddly mesmerized by the way the boy's long, black eyelashes fluttered whenever he blinked.

"Monsieur Jones!" Ms. Leblanc yelled suddenly, glaring at Jakob Jones, the popular and disrespectful boy sitting next to Edwin in the back row. "Vous avez trop souvent perturbé ma classe une vois!"

"Uhh..." Jakob trailed off in confusion. Clearly, he had not studied recently.

"Move seats, Mister Jones," the frustrated teacher revised. "Up here, where I can see you." She looked to l'ange. "Trade with him, s'il voux plaît." The boy nodded, standing up and grabbing his messenger bag from its place on the floor beside him. He and the disgruntled and vaguely ashamed Jakob Jones quietly traded seats, and Edwin's cheeks heated immediately when the beautiful creature sat down next to him.

Neither one uttered a word to the other for the entire period, though Edwin's cheeks heated each time the other would raise his hand to ask a question, because this would cause their elbows to become very, very close. They wouldn't touch, but even the gust of air he would feel from the angel's moving arm was enough to make Edwin incredibly warm and flustered.

Edwin was almost glad when the 49 minutes of class was up and he could race off to have lunch with Lilith. He considered for a moment telling her about l'ange, but the stabbing fear in his stomach over even the possibility of coming out for the first time made him quickly decide against it. He'd tell her if he absolutely had to, not just with every cute boy he laid eyes on.

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