Chapter 1

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Steve smiled as he re-opened the bakery he had had open before the war. His mother had originally opened it, and had taught him how to operate it. Steve had had to close it when he went to war, and now that he had convinced the Avengers to let him quit, he had decided to reopen the bakery.

Steve was jolted out of his thoughts by his first customer. As the day went on, Steve found that his bakery was quite attractive to teenage girls. They would come, take forever to order, then run off with their friends, giggling.

It was on the third week after opening that Steve was surprised by a customer. It was at a quiet in the stream of customers when Bucky hesitantly entered the store. Bucky froze at the sight of Steve, who in turn froze, upon realizing who it was. Bucky looked ready to bolt, his entire being screaming for Steve not to say anything. "Can I help you?" Steve asked, smiling easily and carefully hiding the other things he would like to say.

" you still have..." Bucky trailed off, not sure what to say and not wanting to talk to Steve about anything other than his order.

"Your usual?" Steve asked, a ghost of his smile in his eyes.

"I...don't...remember...I mean sure. Yes please." Bucky answered, praying that Steve wouldn't say anything.

"Coming right up. For here or to go?"

"To go, please."

"Of course. Have a good day!" Steve smiled at Bucky who gave him a small smile of gratitude for giving him time. Bucky left, glancing back once, only to see that Steve's smile had slipped off his face and was replaced by a puzzled and worried look. Steve's gaze followed Bucky out the door and down the street as far as he could see as a downpour began to attack Brooklyn.

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