Chapter 8

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A few days later, Bucky headed home early after being insulted by fourteen people only before lunch. Steve worried about him all afternoon, and ended up closing shop early.

Steve unlocked the door, calling out to Bucky as he locked it behind him. "Bucky?" Steve called out again after there was no answer. "Bucky, I swear to god, if you're not here I'm going to go to Avengers tower and quite possibly murder a certain billionaire named Tony."

"Good job. You've made him mad, and he hasn't even come in here. You're pathetic and a waste—" Steve didn't wait to hear anymore. He dashed towards the kitchen, from which Bucky's voice was coming from.

Steve froze when he entered the kitchen. Bucky was sitting in the corner, tears streaming down his face as he tried to hack off his arm with a butcher's knife. There was a shattered dinner plate on the floor and soap suds were overflowing from the sink. Bucky looked up at Steve with bloodshot eyes, which immediately began to flow water again.

Steve didn't say anything, just knelt down in front of Bucky, gently prying the knife out of his hand. Bucky just stared at him, terrified. Steve put the knife behind him and pulled Bucky into his lap, cradling him and holding him close. Bucky let out a strangled sob, burying his face into Steve's shoulder.

"You want to tell me what happened?" Steve asked softly when Bucky's sobs subsided.

"Aren't you mad? Don't you want me to leave?"

"No, Buck! I'll do anything to get you to stay. I'm just worried, that's all."

Bucky sighed, letting down all his shields at once. "I felt a panic attack coming along when I was at the Bakery, so I decided to go home. I saw that you hadn't had a chance to wash the dishes, so I tried to do them in an effort to help you. Halfway through, my arm glitched and shattered the plate. This triggered the panic attack." Bucky's breathing had increased at a rapid rate, the fear of letting his feelings out overwhelming him.

"Shhh." Steve whispered softly, rocking Bucky gently and holding him close. "It's ok, Buck. I'm right here. It's just me. You're safe. Don't worry." Bucky started crying quietly into Steve's shoulder, and Steve shifted them so his back was to the wall and Bucky was leaning against him, curled into a ball. "First of all, don't worry about the plate. I've broken my fair share of plates since coming out of the ice. Second of all, I know someone who would probably be able to make you a new arm."

"Tony?" Bucky asked, the fear clear in his eyes.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't risk that for anything." Bucky relaxed a little in Steve's arms. "It's a gal named Shuri. We can contact her tomorrow." Bucky nodded, still as tense as ever. "Let's get you relaxed, ok? You're never going to be able to sleep if you are this tense." Steve stood up, Bucky still cradled in his arms. Bucky let out a squeak, clinging to Steve. "Don't worry, Buck. I've got you."

"I know. I was just startled, that's all." Bucky said, blushing.

"Hey, I'm not judging. It was cute." Bucky just halfheartedly punched Steve in response. Steve grinned and carried Bucky to the bath, setting him down at the edge of the tub. Bucky seemed reluctant to use his metal arm, so Steve help him strip as the bath filled with warm water and bubbles.

Bucky smiled softly when he realized the bubbles. "A bubble bath? Really, Steve? I'm much too old for those."

Steve rolled his eyes and helped Bucky in. "There's no such thing as too old for a bubble bath." Steve said before starting to make Bucky a bubble hat.

Bucky convinces Steve to sit on the edge, and they spent half an hour splashing and playing with the bubbles. "Turn around." Steve said softly, and Bucky turned himself around so his back was to Steve's knees. Steve took a handful of Shampoo and began massaging it into Bucky's hair. Bucky let out a sigh, relaxing against Steve's legs. After Steve was convinced that Bucky's hair was clean, and had added more shampoo to really get the dirt out, Steve gently began rinsing out the soap. As he was running his fingers through Bucky's hair, he realized how tangled it was and added conditioner to the mix. Bucky let out another sigh and his head leaned to one side as Steve began to massage his scalp while mixing in the conditioner. Steve stretches out this period of time as long as he could, but eventually he had to rinse it out. Steve helped Bucky dry his hair as the tub drained, smiling at the feeling of Bucky letting his body relax against Steve. Steve brought them to his bedroom, propping himself up against the headboard with Bucky between his legs, back to Steve. Steve started gently brushing Bucky's hair, not missing the fact that Bucky was quickly falling asleep.

Steve had to stop when Bucky's head lolled back onto his shoulder, signalling that Bucky was fully asleep. Steve smiled, gently putting the hairbrush down and shifting so Steve was laying on his back, Bucky on top of him. Steve then started to slip out from underneath Bucky, but the brunette wouldn't let him, circling his arms around Steve and not letting go. "Stay." Bucky whispered in a semi-sleep haze.

"You sure?" Steve asked, his answer coming when Bucky tightened his arms even more. "Anything for you, Buck." Steve answered, running his fingers through Bucky's soft hair, Bucky sighed in response.

"For how long?" Bucky asked into the darkness, not sure if Steve was even still awake. It had been a burning question that had kept him from sleeping the past times he had visited.

"Till the end of the line, Buck. That's never changed, not in the past hundred years, not now, and never in the future. I promise." Steve answered.

"Thank you." Bucky whispered, finally allowing himself to fall into a dreamless sleep for the first time since before the war started. Steve followed soon after, a soft and caring smile on his face.

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