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Draco Malfoy and Dove Taylor sit together in a compartment of their own, holding hands. The former is lost in his own head, angry, sad, hurt, and happy. The four emotions are a strange mix, but it's what he feels.

He longs to tell the girl beside him how he feels, but the words won't come out of his mouth. However, he senses he doesn't need to speak. She understands.

She too is angry, sad, hurt, and happy. Angry at Harry, saddened at her friends, hurt by her friends' actions, but happy with the boy next to her. Considering everything happened only a matter of hours ago, she has yet to forgive anyone besides for Draco.

Draco is angry at Potter. If he wouldn't have gone into the Department of Mysteries, his father wouldn't have gotten arrested. He's sad, because he knows his mother is a wreck without his father. He's hurt in ways he can't explain. Crazily, he's happy. Because out of all of the madness, he's got his Dove.

"My mum wants to meet you," Draco finally says, breaking the silence between them.

Dove jolts, looking at him like he's crazy, "What?" Her voice is but a squeak.

"My mum wants to meet you," he repeats, a slow smirk edging onto his face at her reaction. "We want to take you to dinner."

"But—but we haven't even been dating a whole month!" Her protests are feeble.

The boy gives her a look, "Are you scared to meet my mother?"

"Yes," she replies honestly, looking away. "What if she doesn't like me?"

"She wants to take you out to dinner," he repeats, gently pulling her chin up so he can see her lovely eyes. "That's impressive on its own. And you, Dove Lorraine, are the most impressive woman I've ever met. She's going to love you."

"Oh, Draco," she murmurs, leaning forwards and capturing his lips with her own.

Instantly, his hand moves from her chin to the back of her head, pulling her face even closer to his. The kiss is clumsy at first, their teeth knocking together, but they're determined. It feels perfect for both of them. It's warm, sweet, and yet it's fiery at the same time. Easily, they get the hang of it, their lips moving in unison. And they stay that way for awhile. The time passes, and Draco and Dove both know that the train will be coming to a stop soon.

"Well, it's almost goodbye," Dove says nervously.

He shakes his head, "No. Goodbye seems too...definite."

"Then what do we say?"

"I'd prefer you say nothing at all," he quips, leaning forwards to kiss her again.

Dove giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck to get even closer to him. The door suddenly slides open, a gasp sounding. Instantly, Dove breaks the kiss, turning to see who it is.

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley stand at the door, looking shocked. Why is it every time Draco and Dove are having a moment that one of them always interrupts? Dove thinks crossly, not removing her arms from her boyfriend's neck.

Harry looks anywhere except for her, not wanting her to see the hurt in his eyes. Hermione purses her lips, disappointed in Dove. Ron is disgusted by the fact the Hufflepuff was snogging Malfoy of all people.

"Well? What is it that you want?" The brunette asks, tone clipped.

"We came to say that we're sorry," Harry tells her. "We won't be seeing you over the summer."

"That's for sure," Draco mutters, glaring at him. "You know, Dove is quite possibly the kindest person at Hogwarts. You three took advantage of her willingness to help others, and that is unforgivable. You tried to brainwash her into doing things she didn't want to do. And then to top it all off, you hurt her."

"As the muggles say, three strikes and you're out," Dove says absentmindedly. Draco rolls his eyes at the mention of muggles but wisely doesn't say anything. "Guys, I understand why you did what you did. You were worried for someone you loved. Not only do I understand that, but I respect it as well." She unhooks her arms from her boyfriend's neck, scooting away from him a bit to make the trio a bit more comfortable. "But you three have to understand things from my perspective as well. I feel a tad bit used. I don't like breaking rules. I fight for what I believe is right. In a way, you were right, but you were also wrong."

"Not everything is going to be one-hundred percent right," Hermione snaps, her eyes widening at her own tone. "Sorry."

Dove looks away, Draco putting a hand on her knee comfortingly, "I know that. The truth of the matter is this: you were wrong. I understand people make mistakes, I really do. But I was forced to make a decision I didn't want to make, to do things I didn't want to do. I know that I'll have to make more decisions I don't want to make, do a lot more I don't want to do, but I should not have had to do that, even for you, Harry. If I had gone with you, who knows what would have happened to me. I could have gotten hurt or maybe even killed. It may sound selfish. It does sound selfish. I'm sorry. But right now, I can't forgive you," Dove finishes her speech, looking as if she'd rather be anywhere else.

Tears glitter in her eyes, and she looks to Draco, who looks as if it pains him to see her like this. He clutches her hand tightly, his eyes promising her an undeniable happiness. She forces a smile, scooting close to him once more. He drapes his arm around her, holding her tight.

"Right then," is all Harry says before the trio leaves the couple alone.

"If it came down to you or them, I'll always choose you," Dove says, her tone serious.

"I'd choose you over anyone or anything," Draco says instantly, just as serious. "I don't want to be apart from you for long. Not when we're finally together. I want to take you on a proper date, actually ask you to be my girlfriend, meet your parents. I want to do everything with you."

Dove sits up, smiling broadly at him, "I want the exact same thing, Draco."

She pecks his lips and snuggles into him, talking about everything and anything. And that's how they stay for the remainder of the trip to King's Cross Station.

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