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Dove Taylor lies on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Only a few hours have passed since her and Draco's fight, but she feels awful. She twists the ring on her finger, tears sprouting in her eyes as she does. 

Narcissa made it seem as if she'd marry Draco one day. Dove wants too. She loves him and could definitely see herself spending the rest of her life with him. But Draco made it sound as if that idea was ridiculous. 

If he doesn't want to have a future with her, then why is he dating her? She wouldn't be dating him if she didn't see a future with him. Isn't that why you date someone?

Hurt fills her for what feels like the hundredth time today. She grabs her pillow, holding it tightly to her chest as tears stream down her face again. Her door suddenly opens, Draco walking in. He looks just as miserable as she is.

"Dove, I--" He stops when he sees her. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry," he murmurs, shutting the door and walking hurriedly over to her. He sits next to her on her bed, pulling her into his arms. "I'm sorry. I was mad and let my emotions get the better of me."

"I understand that, but you made it seem like you don't want a future with me," she says pathetically, sitting up. "And I get it if you don't, but then why date me?"

"Dove, that's not what I meant," he sighs, hugging her. She relaxes in his arms, breathing him in. "Of course, I want a future with you. I love you. Seeing you with that ring just angered me because I wanted to find a special time to ask you to marry me."

"We're too young to get married," she sniffs, drawing back. "We're too young to even be engaged."

His fingers maneuver the ring off of her finger. He gets off of the bed, dropping to one knee. Did he not hear a word she said? 

"Dove Lorraine Taylor, I love you," he utters with a smile. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I understand it's too early to ask you to marry me even though I'd do it in a heartbeat. However, I promise to love you forever, to build you up when you feel weak, to hold you when you can't stand, and to make you happy. Do you accept this promise ring?"

A huge smile crosses her face, "Yes." 

He slides the ring back onto her finger, kissing her slowly. He lingers, wrapping his arms around her tightly. 

"Even if we fought every day, I would always come back to you," he tells her, pecking her lips once more. 

"I hope that's a possibility that never happens," she counters, "But of course, I'd come back to you as well." 


Draco Malfoy holds his girlfriend's hand tightly as they walk through what remains of Diagon Alley. He pulls her close to her as they pass the broken remains of Ollivander's. She swallows, releasing his hand to wrap her around him, slightly afraid.

"Draco, I have a bad feeling about this year," she whispers faintly, her heart feeling cold with terror. 

He stops walking, causing her to stop as well, "Dove," he murmurs, looking down at her. "I promise that I will do everything in my power to ensure nothing happens to you or to us, okay?" 

She only nods, not trusting her voice to say anything else. She knows her and Draco could hold their own against anyone who tried to hurt them, but she still wishes she'd agreed when her parents asked the couple to go with them.

The streets are virtually empty save for a few students of Hogwarts, but they mostly seem to be keeping to their families or friends. Most shops are closed, some permanently it seems. The once bright and happy place is now cold and scary. How could things go downhill this quickly?

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