Elena Ruth Nolan

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David's POV
I wake up to crying and I get up since it's my turn and Regina is super tired so I'll just do it. I don't mind even though I'm super tired. "Shh mommy's sleeping" I whisper into Elena's ear and I hold and rock her to sleep.

The 4 month old is still waking up a lot in the middle of the night and as the husband I've taken it upon myself to do this because Regina needs rest. She just lost a baby and she's working again. She needs to be calm and stop stressing over every little thing. She starts crying again and I lift her up and she is crying again. "Baby mommy is sleeping and we don't want to wake her" I say. "She's already up" I turn around with defeated eyes and Regina is sitting up rubbing her eyes so adorably. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to" I sit down and she is now up fully her hair is a mess around her face but cutely messy. "It's fine babe" I kiss her forehead and hand her the crying baby which stops quickly.

We adopted Elena when she was born and we've fallen in love with her the four short months we've had her. She's sweet and mostly quiet unless she wants mommy. I wrap my arm around Regina's waist and pull her close. Her head rests on my shoulder making me smile. "I was thinking about a vacation" I say. "Really? Why" she asks.

"Because we've been through a lot and I think with the winter and Christmas we could invite close friends and go to that nice cabin in the woods. We can't leave storybrooke because we'll we can't. And I wanna spend Christmas with family and friends"

"You really thought about this" Regina asks.

"Yea I just wanna do something special for you. Your the world's best mom and to top it all the best fiancée a man could ask for. You cook, clean, do everything and you somehow manage to still please me. I love you"

"Aw David I love you too" we share a short and simple kiss. But very sweet and very meaningful nonetheless.

"How about Granny's and we tell everyone about the news"

"Who's everyone"

"Ruby, grumpy, Granny, Henry, Emma and Snow"


"I don't think this is good" she says.

"Why not babe"

"I stole her husband. She hates me"

"Emma won't go if she doesn't and Emma's my daughter" she nods and bites her lip so seductively.

"Okay- okay but stop this" I say turning away.

"Sorry" she mumbles and looks down.

"It's okay" I say lifting her chin I pick up Elena softly and set her back down in her crib. "Good night baby" I whisper before kissing her forehead.

"Can we please cuddle now" she whines. I lay down and she gets under the covers and rests her head on my chest. "Why me" she asks.

"Honestly I don't know, I went into the barn that night frustrated and I just wanted to get away from Snow. I didn't know I would kiss you and fall in love with you. I didn't think that one night would make me yours forever" I say truthfully.

"You were very stupid for kissing me the Evil Queen but I'm glad you did" she says.

Regina's POV
I put on a very different outfit because I wanna be extra for today. I put on a baby pink big shirt with black lettering. I straighten my long hair and put on makeup. My shirt is big enough that I don't have to wear pants. It's a little above my knees and I put on knee high black heeled boots. "Wow" I turn around and David has his mouth open and he's basically drooling. "Close your mouth doofus" I say giggling at his face. "Your phenomenal" he says. "Stop" I says pushing him away. "I'm sorry it's just you never dress like this and it's great" I smile and blush even more.

"Mom, dad can we go eat" I hear Henry yell. He gotten so used to calling him dad and its so cute. "He called you dad again" I say. "I'm so happy he accepts us and this little family we've created" he says. "Me too" I pick up Elena who is quietly sleeping. She's already dressed in a onesie and some black leggings. I changed and fed her already so she shouldn't be fussy today. He stroller is downstairs and I already have her bag on the couch just incase she needs a change or some extra clothes. She tends to spit up on everything. I have to always put a towel or her bib over me so she doesn't spit on me when I burp her. David takes her while I grab my purse and look in the mirror one more time before heading downstairs. I see David and Henry tickling Elena as she's smiling widely now she's awake. I walk down the stairs and David kisses me. I hum against his lips and he smiles. "Let's go" Henry whines. Henry wanted to push the stroller so he is in front of us and I'm holding hands with David. David starts swinging out hands happily and I laugh at how childish he's being today. It's so cute how happy he is all the time. I can't help but smile around him. It's impossible. Imagine trying to be mad at him. Hardest thing ever.

We walk into granny's and I greet Granny who's making coffee. I see Snow and Emma of course sitting down eating. Grumpy is here too. "Morning" Ruby says coming from the kitchen in the back. She hugs me and kisses my cheek lightly before hugging David and Henry. No one knows about the baby. David and I thought we would keep it secret just so the whole town isn't talking about us. He would just go out to get granny's and come back. Plus I don't really wanna leave my child just yet. I feel like I've gotten a second chance to be in this child's life so I'm gonna do it. I was a terrible mother to Henry and he absolutely hated me. I don't want history to repeat itself. She looks at the stroller and sees a baby girl and covers her mouth. "You two finally had a baby" she asks in surprise and shock. "No we adopted" David says. "Well she's adorable" Ruby says rubbing her tummy. Elena smiles at her and I giggle. She's so adorable. "Want me to put the stroller in the back" she asks. I nod and take the baby out. She takes it and we sit down at our booth. Henry sits across from us I sit by the wall and David sits on the end. I use my magic to get a baby seat and set her in it at the end on the table. She's very advanced for her age. She is already holding her head up. She sits up and flails her arms around smiling at David. "I'm gonna go wash up" Henry says.

"I'll tell everyone after we eat, we will go for 7 days the week of Christmas and leave the day after" I nod. "I'm nervous" I say. "Why" he asks.

"Snow, I don't wanna ruin your Christmas because your daughter and her mother doesn't wanna deal with me" I say looking down. "Its okay babe, if she doesn't she doesn't we are still going and having fun" I sigh and he lifts my chin up and kisses me very slowly. I kiss him back out I quickly push him away forgetting we are in public and no one wants to see that. Henry sits back down and David stands up. The only people in here are who David wants to go so this is good. "I have an announcement" he says. Everyone turns to him. "I would like for all of us to spend Christmas together in a cabin in the woods. It's big and spacious enough room for all of us. I want Christmas to be fun this year and you all have become my family and loved ones" he looks down at me and I blush. "What do you say" he asks. "Yea" Ruby says smiling. "Sure sounds like fun" grumpy shrugs. "All of us" Emma says looking between me and Snow. "Can we just make this one drama free week please" she sighs and nods. "Yes" I smile. Yay! "Okay we leave the 19th and we come back the 26th Okay" everyone nods. "We have winter break at school so we don't worry about that but I can conjure up some of my guards to sheriff while we are gone and granny's will just close" I say. "Where's the cabin" Emma asks. "It's in the woods and probably snow covered so I might stop by to clean up and shovel but it's very nice" David says. "Okay so four days everyone pack" Henry says excitedly.

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