Without You

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Regina's POV
I hear crying from the baby monitor and I yawn and get up going into Elena's room and I see David with her. Holding her in his arms. I stay quiet hoping he doesn't hear me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry how I've ruined our precious family. Your my little princess. I've done something very stupid. But I hope I can be a father to you. I've never had a child I've taken care of until Henry, my sweet boy. And then you my little girl. And now my son. Your brother. I never took care of Emma and I'm scared to see how I will parent this child. But I hope I'm in your future. I hope I can be all you want and more. But I've hurt your mother. Stupidly I messed everything up. But I love her, I truly do. But mistakes happen. If I could go back I would babygirl. But I can't. And I won't make the same mistake again. I hope you won't have to grow up with two separated parents you don't deserve that" he kisses her forehead and sits down in the rocking chair. Looking out the window. He's such a good father. To our babygirl.

"Hey" I whisper. He turns his head and gives me a sad smile. I walk over there and grab Elena carefully putting her in the crib. I turn around and David is staring and sitting in the chair. "Come" I sit down on his leg and lean into him. "I know I've said it before but I'm sorry" he says. I sit up so I can look into his beautiful eyes. "I know" he sets his hands on my legs and squeezes.

"Are we going to be okay, because I've been freaking out thinking about how you took your ring off"

"I'm sorry for that"

"It's fine" I shake my head. "That ring means commitment and love and I shouldn't have done it but I needed you to know how serious this is"

"I know how serious it is, because we don't fight and I saw how much I hurt you. How can I set an example for Henry and our son when I'm making stupid mistakes"

"It happens and I know I don't want to leave you" he puts his head down and I use my pointer finger to lift his head and I see fresh tears running down his face. "That's my biggest fear, loosing you" I wipe his face and I kiss his cheek. I hold his face and he leans in quickly smashing his lips against mine. I stand up and he does too wrapping his arms around my waist. He grabs my ass and lifts me off the ground softly and I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses back letting his tongue slide in my mouth and I grip his hair as I start to grind against him. "I love you" he mumbles as he kisses down my neck. "I love you too" he walks to our room and closes the door and his lips don't stop sucking on my neck. Most likely leaving love bites I will have to cover up tomorrow morning. I lift his shirt over his head as he lays me down on the bed. And he undoes his pajama pants. I run my hand down his chest and flip us over. I take off my shirt and I grind on him for some kind of friction. He leans up to kiss me and he slides my pajama pants off. No panties. He undoes my bra quickly and shoves himself into me. "David!" I yell. He grabs my hips and his thrusts become harder. "Right there" I moan. He's hitting the g-spot and my back starts to arch off the bed. "Fuck Regina" he groans and comes undone and I do too at the same time. He falls down next to me and I rest my head on his chest. "Goodnight babe"

"Goodnight baby" he kisses my head and we both fall asleep.

I wake up and go to stretch but there are arms around me. I turn and David is sleeping shirtless and then I remember last night and I blush. I get up to take a shower and then I get dressed. I put on black dress pants with a grey long sleeve turtle neck shirt. I tuck it in my pants and then I go over my hair with the straightener and then I do my makeup with no lip. I pick up our clothes from last night and when I pick up David's pajama pants I feel something. I put my hand in the pocket and I see my ring. I sigh and I stare at it. This means forever. We are gonna get married and live happily ever after is what this ring means. I put his pants in the hamper and I slide the ring on my finger. I go to Henry's room and he's sleeping and then I go to Elena's nursery and I get her. She's sleeping but she will probably wake up soon. I put her in the high chair and I clean up the living room. David has been sleeping there for the past three days. Cause we haven't been talking. Just yelling for four days now until last night. I clean it up fixing the pillows and quickly sweeping. "Morning mom, can we go to granny's for breakfast. With dad if that's okay" I ruffle his hair and kiss his head.

"Yea sure, he should be up soon" he runs back upstairs to get ready. David comes downstairs and gives me a quick kiss. "I love you" I smile and lean up kissing his cheek. "I love you" he grabs Elena from her high chair and picks her up. "Oh your up already" Henry says coming down the stairs. "Ready" he asks. We nod and I grab my keys, purse and Elena's baby bag.

We get there after a short walk and we walk in and Henry runs finding us a seat. "We might see Snow in there" I say before we walk in. "I love you" he says and I nod. We walk in and the door jingles. All eyes are on us because everyone knows about our public fight in this very diner. Ruby looks at me and David turns around and pecks my lips. "Go sit" I say. He nods and grabs Elena's bag from me. I walk to the counter and I sit down on the stool. "You two okay" she asks. "Yes we fought for a few days and then had makeup sex" she laughs and smiles. "I'm happy for you" I smile at her.

"Ready to order" I nod and I go to sit down and she walks around the counter. I sit next to David and I put Elena on my lap and she plays with my fingers.

1166 words

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