Want One

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Regina's POV
It's Christmas Eve and I'm up very early due to screaming from a very cranky toddler. "Shh princess mommy is sleeping" I hear David whisper. She continues to cry until he picks her up and kisses her face repeatedly. Then I hear laughing and I smile. I sit up and watch David set the baby down and she's asleep. He leaves the room still shirtless and I smirk walking downstairs. I wrap my arms around David's waist and he turns around. "Morning handsome" I say smiling. "Morning beautiful" I blush and he goes to kiss me but I move my head to the side. "How rude" I smile and David's hands slide into my leggings. He grabs my ass and I shake my head. Why do guys like that? It's so weird. That's like girls liking to just hold their penis. One hand slides to my front and plays with my underwear. I slide my hand into his pants and I wrap my hand around his shaft. "Okay okay I'll stop" he pulls away and I smirk. "It's almost Christmas" he says. "I know and I'm excited to give you your present" he says. "Why" I question.

"Because I know you and you will love it" I peck his cheek and sit down on the island. "I will love anything you get me" he smiles. "Kiss kiss kiss" I turn around and see everyone is up and Ruby is chanting for us to kiss. "Mistletoe" I look up and there's a mistletoe. "Seriously" I couldn't even finish before David grabs my waist and kisses me. I was shocked but I set my hands on his chest and push him away blushing. "I love you" he says and I blush even more and hide in his chest. "Someone's embarrassed" Granny teases making us all laugh. "I love you too" I say before he pecks my lips.

"How about we go play games in the game room" Emma says. "Sounds like fun" Henry says. "Let's go" grumpy chimes in. "First breakfast" Snow says. "I'm starved" I smile at David. "I'm gonna go get dressed" I say to everyone. "I'm gonna go help her" I near David say. I feel hands around my waist and I turn around. David lifts me up as we walk up the stairs and I wrap my legs around his waist. I kiss him and he throws me onto the bed. "Mhm" I smile and he pecks my lips. "We should be getting dressed" I say. "I know but we have baby making to do as well" I blush and get up. I put on blue jeans with a white long sleeve shirt and knee high heels.

"Mhm your so sexy" David says into my neck as he peppers it with kisses. I continue to brush my hair and David continues to tease me. I then brush my teeth and David does the same.

We walk into the game room and David drags me to the pool table. Everyone is busy playing games so no one even noticed us walk in. "David I don't know how to play" I say shyly.

"I'll teach you" he smirks and I bite my lip blushing a bright pink. He grabs a stick and then lines the balls up in a triangle and then the white one is in front of it. "Hold it" he hands me the stick and I give him a look. "I don't know how to play David" I say.

"What happened to Charming" he asks.

"Sorry, I don't know how to play Charming. Better?"

"Yes. And I'll show you" he says.

He gets behind me pressing into my back and I suck in a big breath nervously. He comes closer even though that's not possible. I feel his hot breath on my neck. "Hold it like this" he pauses and his lips touch my neck. "Now you hit it" he presses his lips onto my neck and I hit the ball. Getting two in the holes. He goes and get like 5 in and then he gets behind me and I close my eyes when I feel him too close again. I swallow and use a shaky hand and grab the stick. "You okay babe" he asks. "Yup" I strain out. I can't take this anymore. I turn around and he smashes his lips against mine. I grab his face and lean back onto the pool table. He pushes me against it and I release a small moan into his mouth. We kiss fiercely and passionately till air is needed and we part breathing heavily in each others personal bubbles.

"You're teasing me" I say as I open my eyes to see him. "I know" he smirks and pecks my lips. "Dad you beating mom yet" Henry asks and we both turn around heads to him not moving from our positions. His hands on the table behind me and mine around his neck. "I think I already won" he winks and kisses me again before playing with Henry.

I look over and Snow is staring at David like she's in love with him. And now I'm angry. "I'm gonna go check on Elena" I whisper to David. "Mhm talk to me" he says grabbing my wrist as I walk away. "I'm fine David" he nods and I walk away.

I pace the room after checking up on Elena and she's fast asleep. Snow Snow Snow! It's like I can never get rid of her. But I can, I have all the magic in the world but I'm not that person anymore. I could crush her heart. I could choke her to death. But I would loose my son, my fiancée and my annoying step-daughter. As well as my friends. The Evil Queen would have taken the chance and used it without a second though and wouldn't care about what the consequences are. But I can't take the chance. I just ugh!

I walk downstairs into the living room. The floor creaks and David walks in with his hands in his pants pockets awkwardly.

"What did I do" I break my neck to turn and look at him.

"What makes you think you did something" I ask.

"Regina, I know you. Please talk to me"

"Snow, I can't help but be jealous. She's seen you everyway I have. Emotionally, sexually. She knows you and you know her. I hate how jealous she makes me. And no it's not because she's prettier than me. It's because she has seen you exactly how I have. She knows what your thinking before you think it. She knows why your mad without asking. She knows how you feel without a tear stained face. She knows you David. She loves you. And I can't loose you. I'm so insecure it's ridiculous. Because I love you so much and even the thought of not having you hurts, it physically hurts me David! I just—" he grabs my arms pulling me to him. "Honey, I love you... not Snow. Yes she knows me but you know me too. The real me. She may love me but I love you! I love you Regina! I choose you! I knew her. The person she is now. Is a stranger. And no matter what you're my decision, I chose you and I will over and over again" I nod and I feel a presence. I wipe my face to see Henry and Emma walk into the living room.

"Mom, dad everything okay" Emma asks. "I'm just not taking this well, with Snow and how she is handling this" I say.

"Are you jealous?" Emma asks.


"Mom, no offensive to grandma but your amazing! Your one of a kind and David sees that. And he loves you for everything, your scars, even the little evil that's buried deep" Henry says.

"When you find someone who truly loves the whole you, your gonna get jealous because you don't wanna loose them" I hug him and we all sit down on the couch. I set next to Henry and David next to Emma. "It's been a pretty long day" Henry says. "Sleep" Emma asks. "Sleep" Henry agrees.

Henry kisses David's cheek and then kisses mine. "You want one" he asks me Emma. "Yea" she smiles. "Well then you gotta catch me" he says getting up and running away. Emma jumps over the couch and follows him. "You want one" I ask David. "Yea!" He says smiling. "Well then you gotta catch me" I say getting up and running. "Oh mama" I hear David says chasing me.

1440 words

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