Chapter 1 the Dawn of a New Adventure

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Jace's P.O.V
I woke up in bed to the sound of Darjackal howling out in our barn. I quickly got my clothes on,and decided to go out and check on him. Along with our other Pokémon. I walked into the barn that had been around a long while before I had even been born. Inside were the Pokémon my dad had taken in from his various missions all over the region. He is one of the most well known Pokémon rangers in the region and one of the strongest too. Darjackal walked up to me with a smile on his face,and started wagging his tail like crazy. "Hey Dar,give me a sec to get your food from the cabinet." I walked to the top floor of the barn and saw another one of our residents. Jaeger the Gliscor was hanging from the ceiling sleeping in like usual. "Wake up Jaeger it's time for breakfast pal. Now go down to you bowl,and I'll be right down." Finally I saw laying down in front of the cupboard where we kept their food. Blex,the Nidoking,he was my fathers old partner before the big guy had to be retired from injuries. He had scars on his back,and a large gash on his ear. "Wake up big guy. Can you help me with the feed??" The large purple mammal got up from the ground,and gave me a grin. I opened the cupboard,and I grabbed the feed for Blex,he grabbed the food for Jaeger,and Dar. Me,and Blex got on the lift that we would normally use to get a new Pokémon up to the loft.

Jaeger looked excited to see me. I could only assume because he wanted to go gliding. "I'm sorry pal but it'll have to wait til later." I poured out their food. "Morning Jace." Unto no surprise my friend Sonja had walked into the barn,almost on complete cue. Her reddish brown hair was carefully tucked behind her glasses,she was wearing a black T-shirt with a garchomp printed on it. She was wearing faded blue jeans. "Hi Sonja,What brings you into this old barn today." She smacked her hand onto her forehead. "How in heck did you forget!! Prof.Magnolia is giving us our first Pokémon today!!!" My jaw dropped to the floor. I quickly shut the door to the barn,and ran over to the lab,with Sonja. We burst into the lab. In front of us stood professor magnolia,her almost white hair reached down to her shoulders. She was one of the youngest Pokémon Researchers of the region,but also the absolute most knowledgeable. "Morning you two, this is my lab,where we study Pokémon Crossbreeds." I could tell I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. She led us over to a small table towards the back of her lab. On the table there were three Pokéballs. "Now as you can see this lab is very much unorthodox in its structure,and what it is we study. So instead of giving you some run of the mill starter Pokémon I decided to let you guys go into our atrium,and catch your own Pokémon. There was supposed to be another kid arriving here. Where are they??" "WAIT!!!" Suddenly a dork with short tangled black hair rushed in. "I'm so sorry I'm late!! I overslept!!!" He was wearing a black coat with a golden shirt underneath. He also had a bandanna tied around his arm that was white,and a neon blue of sorts. "Oh good morning,and you are??" "Lance!! The names Lance. So what's going on??" "As I was telling Jace,and Sonja. You three will be going into our facility's atrium,and catching your first partner. Now. Are you three ready??" We all grabbed a Pokéball from the table. Ready to go into Magnolia's Atrium.

We entered the large room filled with hundreds of Pokémon. All acting as if they were in their natural habitats. Lance had already run off into the mountain section of the room. Sonja went to the plains section of the room. I decided to go to the forest. I took a look around the forest I was in. It was astounding how Prof.Magnolia managed to make individual biomes within her lab. Suddenly out of the bushes I heard rustling. Out of the bush jumped a small reptilian Pokémon. From what I could tell it was a bulbasaur but the bulb on its back looked extremely different. Along with its eyes,and it had white fur coming from the bulb,and covering its body. He looked scared of something. I saw what he was afraid of. Out of nowhere a Drapion came barreling through the trees. It looked more violent than what I've seen. From what I could tell this Drapion was a breed of a Drapion,and Beedrill. It rushed for the bulbasaur. I don't know why,or what triggered this but I jumped in front of its swing. I took the hit directly it hurt,but I winced through the pain. The bulbasaur looked up at me with surprise,as if no one had risked their life for him before. I felt the wound on my chest start to heal somehow. I pushed the Drapion back. I felt something start to form in my hand. The Drapion looked at me with a look of horror,and he ran away into the forest. The feeling of something in my hand vanished. The bulbasaur looked up at me with happiness. "Hey there pal. Prof.Magnolia asked me,and a couple others to come in,and catch you instead of her gifting you too us. So,what do you say? Wanna come with me on my journey?" His bulb opened up and turned into a cute little set of wings. Now I realized what he is,he's a Venusaur,and Volcarona crossbreed. I held out the Pokéball,and he poked the button at the center. A red light shot out of the ball,and he suddenly went into the Pokéball. I sent him back out of the ball,and decided to let him fly with me back to the entrance. "Now,what should we call you? How about Dante??" He did a little back flip in the air. "Alright Dante it is than." When we made it to the front Sonja,and Lance had already gotten back over there. Sonja had by her side a small dog Pokémon that looked like a mixture of Poochyena,and Growlithe. Lance had a Riolu that looked like it was born from a Lucario,and a Hawlucha. "What took you so lon- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SHIRT!?" I looked down,and noticed the large slash across my shirt,just barely missing the edges of my jacket. "Oh right. Well this little guy jumped out of some bushes in a clearing in the forest,he was being tailed by a Drapion. I don't understand why,but I jumped in front of the things swing. It left a pretty bad wound,but suddenly I felt this almost primordial energy envelope me,the wound closed,I felt something form in my hand,and suddenly the thing ran away faster than it appeared. Long story short,after I protected him,I caught Dante." They all gave me a stare like 'what the heck is this guy!?' "Well,I believe yours,and our little Sunblooms meeting was not of sheer chance. Sonja,Lance could you two go forward of Jace here. We need to talk." The two left as if nothing peculiar was happening.

Prof.Magnolia took me to this secluded area of her Atrium. "Now Jace,I understand your Father is Bruce Seacaster correct?" "Uhm,Yes Ma'am. Why do you ask?" She gave a somewhat intimidating glare in my direction. "I believe that Aura that surrounded you might be something that directly links you to a Legendary Pokémon. I'm not rightly sure which one but that will have to be determined at a later time. But to help you keep track,and to hopefully put the pieces together take this." She handed me a small device that looked like a wrist watch. "That is an Aura Tracer. It's a piece of technology we've been working on as well,as studying the crossbreeds that live here. It should allow us to keep track of your Aura,and which legendary it syncs to. Now go out to the front of the lab,and join,Lance,and Sonja." Me,and Dante walked to the front entrance of the lab to see Sonja,and Lance waiting for us. "So Do you guys wanna Battle to test out our partners?" Lance looked psyched to test out his Riolu. "Sure me and Dante are up for a fight,right buddy?" He did a small barrel roll in the air. "That's a yes from Dante." "What about you Brigaderio?" He just gave Dante a glare. "I can only assume that's a yes."

We walked out to this battlefield Prof.Magnolia had in front of her lab. Dante was still flying,he looked pretty fired up. "Alright on the Count of 3 the battle will begin. 1,2,3!" "Alright Dante! Use Silver wind!" I saw a large gust of silver wind come from Dante's fur. "Brigaderio dodge it,than use Sky uppercut!" I saw Lance's Riolu soar above the silver wind,and then slam into Dante with its fist. "Dante close your wings and use ember!" His wings closed around the Riolu's paw,and suddenly the bulb on Dante's backs started to glow bright red. The expression on Lance's Pokémon changed from cocky to excruciating pain. "Brigaderio use comet punch!" It reeled back its free hand,and hit Dante right in the center of his head. Dante opened his wings,and let go of Brigaderio. "Now Brigaderio. Rush at Him with all you got. Use Smackdown!!" The Riolu jumped up,just as Dante had started to fly again,and heel kicked Dante in the back. Dante was knocked out. "Alright,the winner of the battle is Lance,and Riolu." I went home to heal up Dante,and also introduce my mom to him. "Oh right. Jace,your father wanted me to tell you something." "What is it mom?" "He wants you to take at least one of the Pokémon in the barn with you." I walked out to the barn,it was obvious that they knew of what my mother had told me. Darjackal was grooming himself almost not really caring if I took him with me. Jaeger was moping thinking with the competition that was Blex,he wouldn't get picked. Blex was giving me a look that gave the impression of 'Don't even think about it.' So I walked up to the loft,and grabbed my glider suit. "Well,Jaeger,what are you waiting for??" The large Gliscor grinned with a smile so bright it was almost blinding. He enetered his Pokéball,and I left my home after my mom had packed my bag with some necessities. It was just me,Sonja and our Pokémon,little do we know our little Party was gonna grow even larger.

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