Sometimes it just feels like, no one can ever help you. They don't even care! They just want to feel or do what they feel right and will ask you to do the same. But don't you think that listening to them for once might be okay but actually applying it just because they said would make you think they are controlling your life.
Ya sometimes you just think about the differences, between how it is when your remote is in your hands and what it is like in someone else's hands. You actually never get to know with whom is it, at least I don't get it!
Sometimes you may feel that person knows me so well, I should listen to them, but do you share your darkest secrets with your family? Because they are the only one's who stay with you all your life.
For example, if the person closest to you does something you don't think of. Ya I know that, that person is your "best friend" or "what so ever" but still what if he/she just can't accept what you have been doing and doesn't tell you but you can see few changes which are disturbing you. What if they don't even know that they can't accept you.You would try to talk, if that doesn't work then there might be a fight and both of your intentions might flow out in anger.
You might get a shock and you would likely end that up but that person knows all your secrets.
Worried? All what if's in your mind?
Don't you trust them?
What if everyone knows about your secrets?
Will that be okay? Obviously not...
But does this tell you about in whose hands the remote is..?
I feel they won't use it against us, what have we done to them...?
And you get the toxic friendship relation back...don't you?
Why does this remote matter so much?..Why do we have to control this remote?...Why is it that if there is some kind of remote to us, we can't find it or can't use it for ourselves?..Why does this remote bother us when someone else has ours?
(Maybe this isn't appropriate but I just wrote what came into my mind...sry if it's confusing)