Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Just as I thought I jerked awake for the fourth time during the night. I looked over at my bedside clock and it read 3:20, I should probably stay away from those type of movies from now on. I try to go back to bed one last time before I have to wake up for school but its no use, hopefully no one will notice by lack of sleep.

I sit in bed until it is six, then slowly drag my body over to the shower. I feel like taking an extra long one to try and help me wake up, but I think it made it worse. When I get out I dry and curl my hair and try and hide the bags that formed under my eyes from the night before. As I walk downstairs I see a note sitting on the counter:


Sorry hon, I had to rush to work early this morning but I will see you tonight!

Love, mom

PS. I tried to tell you but you were in the shower, be safe today! <3

I crumpled up the note and threw it away once I read it.

"Well I looks like I will mostly be hanging by myself today." I sigh to myself. My mom and I just got here and she is already on work overload, at least tomorrow is Friday. I'm so glad I got to start my first day at my new high school on a Wednesday, so I didn't have to dread a whole week.

I decided just to pop some toast in the toaster and leave for school. I grabbed all of my stuff when my toast popped and chose to leave a little early, I would rather talk to some friends then sit here all alone in my house thinking about that stupid horror movie.


Once I reached the school I pulled into the same spot from yesterday, which I now know is the back of the school. Once I get out of my car I immediately spot two boys yelling at each other and I could tell one of them were Harry.

I stepped forward a little to get a better view of the situation, without the two noticing me and tried to make out the words that they said, but it was no use I was too far away. The other kid Harry was with didn't really look like he was Harry's age, maybe a year or two older and he also looked scruffed up like he was on drugs. I haven't seen him at the school yet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't go here because this school is huge.

I decide that I probably have intruded enough and start to turn away, right as the mystery guy threw a punch. I quickly turn back around to see the older guy jump on Harry and try to bring him to the ground, but just as they fell Harry rolled over on top of him and took charge of the situation by beating the guy senseless.

"Harry!, Harry, stop!" I yell as I run over, not sure what i'm going to do.Harry immediately looks up with his piercing green eyes and his face starts to soften.

"Alex? What are you doing? Get out of here!" He says harshly with a hint of worry in his voice.

"No, what are you doing!" I yelled back.

"Awe is this your little girlfriend, out here trying to protect her big bad Harry from getting hurt?" The other guy said with a raspy chuckle that ended with a cough.

Right as the word leave the guys mouth Harry immediately faces back toward the guy and continues to blow punches to his already cut up face.

"Harry stop you are going to kill him!" I screamed. I wasn't sure if he was even close to killing him, but I said the first thing that popped into my head to make him stop.

"You leave now, and I better not ever see you again, or I will finish you." Harry said through his teeth while gripping the guys shirt so his head is lifted off the ground.

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