Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

When I get home I decide to make myself some Mac-N-Cheese since i'm all alone and don't feel like making anything better. Luckily I'm the type of person that can eat whatever I want to and still stay thin, it must run in the family.

Still freaked out from the night before I decide to put on a comedy while I eat and finish my homework. At times I like being home alone because I feel like I could do or say whatever I want to and no one would judge.

Once the movie comes to an end My homework along with food are both done. Its only eight but I feel like getting a good night sleep. After putting everything away, I run up to my room and get my pajamas on. I decide to stay up a little longer until my mom gets home, so I choose to text Kyle.

To Kyle-

Hey, just wanted to know what time I should come over tomorrow?

From Kyle-

Whenever u want. people usually get here around eight but it doesn't really matter :)

To Kyle-

kk, see u tomorrow :)

I set my phone on the nightstand table while reading the clock, 8:37. Usually on any other day there would be no way I would go to bed this early, but today was tiring and I decide to just talk to my mom in the morning.

I wake up to my alarm beeping it head off and hop in the shower. Once i'm finished with my normal morning routine I run downstair to get some breakfast.

"Hey hon, I made eggs and bacon to make up for not being here yesterday, there was this pretty bad dolphin crisis that I couldn't get out of." My mom apologizes.

"Its fine I can take care of myself when I need to." I said with a laugh as I grabbed my plate that was set out for me.

"And speaking of taking care of myself, I was invited to a party at a friends house tonight and was wondering if I could go?" I add.

"Welllllll, I suppose that will be fine but I want you back by twelve."

I Hate stupid curfew rules, i'm almost positive i'm the only kid that has one at my age.

"Actually, I was planning on spending the night at my other friends house after the party?" I lie. Hopefully Sadie will let me crash at her place for the night, or the party won't be as much fun.

"Oh ok then, just check in with me every now and then." My mom replied with a loving smile.

I grab my last piece of bacon and shove it in my mouth as I hug my mom goodbye and grab my bag.

"Bye hon, see you tomorrow I guess..."

"See ya mom, love ya." I say as I shut the door behind me and head to my car.


When I arrive at school everything is pretty normal. Most of the day goes by quickly and there is a lot of gossip about another one of Kyles legendary parties. I am actually really excited to go, I went to one party at my old school and it sucked so much that everyone ended up leaving within the hour. From what I have heard, this party will by far be the most fun I have had here yet. I also asked Sadie about spending the night and she didn't mind at all, so I hope we can stay until the party is over.

The rest of the school day is over before I know it and I'm on my way back home. So far this was the best day in Florida i've had, I mean I didn't get in trouble at all, Kyle was really sweet to me, Sadie and Caroline were extra fun, and Harry kept to himself for the most part.

Once I get home I make myself a salad with just lettuce and ranch, then head upstairs to get ready. I decide on jean shorts with a cute lace top that makes me look taller and thinner. I also apply a little more makeup and re curl my hair. I look over to the clock and it read 8:02, how the heck did time pass by so quickly! I grab a cute purse and stuff random things I might need into it and within 5 minutes I was out the door.


I slowly pull to the side of the street where all the other cars were scattered and make my way up the driveway. People are all over his house, in the front and on the beach in the back, it really was a large party. When I get to the door I stand there for a couple seconds deciding whether or not to walk in or knock and right before I was about to knock to drunk guys ran into my side and swung the door right open.

Obviously I decide to slip in right after them. My first instinct is to either find Sadie or Kyle, but I have no idea where they would be. I choose to wander the house and look and within a couple seconds I have already been handed a cup with cherry vodka and been hit on twice.

I usually don't drink at all, I think I have only had one margarita and that was it, mostly because I know its illegal to drink at my age. I decide against my judgement and gulp down a large sip. It burns my throat as it goes down making my face cringe up.

"There you are! I can see you're already drinking without me." Sadie say from behind me with a laugh. Not to my surprise she is with Liam, I thought they would be cute together.

"Ha, sorry It was just handed to me and I felt like letting loose for a little."

"Oh well Kyle is upstairs with Louis if you wanna come up, he was looking for you earlier and then just decided to wait up there." Liam said over the loud music pumping through the house.

"Okay lets go!" I shout back

Well all try and pass through the crowd of people and up the steps. When I enter the room it was way more cool than I expected it to be. The entire upstairs was one room and it was filled with giant T.V's and couches along with pool tables and air hockey. Liam drags me over to Kyle who greets me with a hug.

"Glad to see you made It, I was starting to think you weren't gonna show." Kyle says with a chuckle.

"Ya sorry I was running a little late." I reply as we all take a seat on the couches and floor.

After a couple minutes of talking Harry Niall and Zayn all come upstairs and look around. Harry's eyes immediately dart to mine and he starts to walk over with Zayn and Niall stumbling behind.

"Hey look its the other twin!" Zayn shouts toward Kyle, obviously very drunk. Which is a surprise because he seems like a quiet type of guy.

"Oh, hey." Kyle simply said toward the three boys.

"You guys look like you're board, which is why we should all play truth or dare!" Niall chimes in with a grin.

"Ha ya right, Kyle never plays those types of games." Harry says just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You know what. Fine. All of you sit down and on the ground and we will make a circle and play your stupid game." Kyle barks back clearly annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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