His Obsession 4

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As I smile at the full-size mirror admiring my ripped jeans exposing my porcelain creamed legs and topped with crop top paired with my white vans.

I look at the mirror

Gosh I look like a slut - I exclaimed

-well you need it for tonight- the voice said

I grab so much attention when I entered the house.

"Hey, gorgeous wanna dance," the dirty blond said snaking his arms in my waist but I slid it off.

I stare at him while smiling sweetly "s sure" I agreed innocently we start dancing while my eyes searching for Steven in the crowd.

The song has a sexy beat that made our dance have spice on it, our bodies move in sync I sway and grind onto my partner still my eyes scan for Steven.

The song ended and I left him

And while searching for him many guys have asked me but I just ignored them and I saw Louis. I approach him who was talking to a girl

"Um, Louie wheres Steven?" I ask innocently fiddling with my fingers.

Louis ruffled my hair "I think he's upstairs sweetness, just go upstairs and walk straight and turn left and you will find his room" he chuckled and wink I smiled at him and went upstairs.

When I approached the room I heard soft moans.

My heartbeat fastened I slowly opened the doorknob to see Steven is pounding some slut on his bed.

I smiled sarcastically so that slut wasn't enough for him or just bad in bed. I rolled my eyes.

I stayed silent as my heart aches as the scene played on hand, my hands tremble and shake.

"Shit baby your soo tight" Steven moaned as the slut was riding him. I felt my face flushed red because im soo mad, wait scratch that im sooo furious.

The light was dimmed enough for me to be noticed.

"Ohhh!! Baby just like that Ahhhh!!!" Steven moaned reaching his peak, I smiled.

I stalk behind the girl and grab her head and twist it to the side the sound of the bone snapping Ii giggled smacking the sluts carcass off Steven's leaking shaft, his body lay catching his breath.

I smiled devilishly

As he look at me and turn to the lifeless girl shock,fear, and other mixed emotions consume him.

I pulled out my phone and took a pic of him with the girl "perfect!" I giggled.

He glared and at me and hastily tried to grab my phone but I caught him openly and pulled him into a body lock.

As I straddle on him "g get off y your crazy psychopath" he snared still struggling to break free.

" im not crazy hehe and especially not a psychopath" I laugh " I just really really like you"I confessed shyly he look at me like im some alien.

"Like me? Tsk, are you crazy!...wait you are really a crazy fag ,you just killed someone" he blurred out still struggling in my embrace smirk licking lips seeing little limpy steven jr wiggling down below, he seemed to notice and immediately covered himself with his blanket.

I frown

I let him go and took a seat at the edge of his bed "don't worry love will take care of it." And grab his head and lean in his ear "but in one condition" I purred

He glared at me while I was smiling sweetly.

(Please bear with errors and grammars.....Enjoy ^^)

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