Blood thrist

20 4 1

Hello and welcome

"It's a nice view right" said my dad as we were looking for a apartment for me since I had just turned eighteen "dad it's beautiful " my dad glanced at me and smiled "it's also close to that publishing company " my dad added in "have I told you how much I love you " I said grinning .

My dad looked at his watch and frowned "is something wrong " I asked "no I'm just running late for my meeting and the moving company should be bringing your stuff in an hour" with that said my dad gave me a kiss and left , I Sighed and checked out the rest of the apartment .

After the movers left I started unpacking , the apartment was on the 12th floor when you walked in to your left a huge kitchen with white marble counter tops and mahogany cabinets  to the right a bathroom with a glass shower straight ahead was my living room with an all glass view my bedroom was tucked away from everything else but it was as simple as the come .

After a week I was finally settled and had already applied for a job at greenhouse publishing company my interview was tomorrow so I was planning on picking out my outfit prior to it I scanned my walk in closet and picked out my gray pencil skirt and a white blouse I smiled at myself knowing my outfit was a Winner

After dinner I got in shower letting the hot steam warm me up after a long day just as I was shampooing my hair I heard my doorbell go of  I quickly rinsed the strawberry lime in scented shampoo out my hair and grabbed my robe the door bell kept on ringing "hold up I'm coming " I yelled I made my way out the bathroom to open the door

"Hello" a guy about my age said he was carrying a tiny pot in hand "um hello "I said now I was slightly embarrassed that I was wearing just a robe "would you like me to take that pot " I said motioning to it he chuckled nodding I took the pot and sat it Down on the nearest counter  "my mom told me to bring it to you as a welcome gift" he said as I noticed how hazel his eyes were "well tell her I said thank you" I said he nodded and said goodbye I shut my door and ran to the pot curious what was inside once the lid was off the sweet aroma of cookies came out mmm I said and took a couple to my room

The next morning my annoying alarm woke me up I hit snooze one time and in less then what it felt like 5secs it was ringing once again , I got out of bed and     And took a long shower , I got my towel and brushed my teeth and got dressed l looked it the mirror and winked at myself looking good I thought until I seen my tangled unruly red mess I pulled out my straightener and got to work after I was done I pulled out a banana from the pantry and was on my way

Down in the lobby I seen a familiar face it was the guy from yesterday he was at the lobby desk , I still had a huge amount of time so I stopped to be friendly " hi " I said he looked me up and down before saying " hi are you going somewhere " I nodded and asked him something " do you work here" he laughed and added " you could say that my mom owns the place" I stared in amazement " wow that's cool " I said as he ran his fingers through his brown locks "well I got to go have a nice day " I said and with that I was out the door

I held on to my purse strap as I looked at the huge building I walked in though the famous glass doors a signature at the publishing company I walked over to the front desk where a old lady sat at "hello " I said the old lady pushed her glasses up and finally acknowledged me "hi welcome to greenhouse publishing "how may I help you" she said I finally found my words and said "I am here for my 9am job interview " she stared at me and checked her list and said "Ashely will come and get you have a seat in the waiting area" I nodded and turned around headed for the waiting area

I was staring at a Forbes magazine when a woman with Raven black hair and steely green eyes stood above me "Mrs. Jones I will take you to your interview now" I got up and followed her to the elevator once in the elevator she clicked floor 15 and then she smiled and said "I would like to compliment your red hair I looks really nice " I looked at her and said "thank you" just as was going to say something the elevator dinged and Ashley walked out and led me to a small room "good luck and if you need any  help my room is right around the corner " she said "thanks" i added then she left

I opened the door to find a man probably in his thirties sitting at a desk with a newspaper in hand staring at it harshly, "hello" I said hopefully I wasn't interrupting him "you may have a seat" he said putting the newspaper down I could see his very black hair and green eyes "I suppose you're here for an interview" he says and I nod "what's your name" he says i quickly let out "Harper jones sir" he looks around on his desk an picks up a paper

"It's says here your 18" he says scanning the paper "yes sir" I nod "okay well what makes you want this job " he says with his sharp jaw clenched "well I have a thing for writing and finding story's and well this is just the place to do that " I say very optimistic "well that's great have you written any pieces before" he asks still scanning my resume I quickly fish out my pieces from bag I hand them over smiling

"You may leave now " he says I look at him sideways my interview had just begun " if you make it we will give you a call" he points out I got up calmly and went go get lunch

I had found a nice restaurant call cub sandwich and sat down at a table I the waiter came over "hello my names Dan my I get you something to start of with" I looked at the menu slightly " water will be fine" he wrote on his paper and left

I looked down at my empty plate payed my bill and left a hefty tip of 20 bucks I looked outside to see it was raining I frowned I was going to be late for my fathers meeting he had been planing for months I left the restaurant not looking back and tried to cover my hair with my purse to find a cab

My father held his meeting in his office I had went to his office and news reporters were everywhere chatting about a crisis in our city I tried to find my dad in the mess he was tapping his class to get every ones attention

"Calm down everyone I am sure there is an explanation for this" my dad said in a huff but a news reporter swiftly took the attention with a question "mr mayor with all due respect we live in manhattan we rarely see animals could this really just be a cover up for a serial killer" every one looked shocked and with that more reporters raised there hands but my dad raised his hands in a motion of surrender "people an human would not suck another human dry we might have an animal outbreak of some kind"

I sighed after I watched reporters one by one leave I looked at mom who was fanning her self of with a card "mom what's going on" she shook her head she put her finger up to her lip in order to shush me then waved me over to a slideshow I had apparently missed "this is what's going on"
________________________________And my first episode plz comment and ⭐️
Luv you readers

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