They say it only happens every so offten

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" cleans up nice huh" Kristina said as we got out the cab he sure does I say in my head he was wearing a gray suit with a black tie his black hair was slicked back and i must say the suit really does bring out his emerald eyes

The venue looked to be a very expensive mansion and I have to congratulate the gardeners the garden was amazing and combined with the water fountain it was breathtaking

But the real breath taking happened when I noticed who was talking to me and Kristina walked over to my dad who was talking to my boss and evidently they were having a good ole time

"Harper your boss is so funny you got lucky" he said chuckled I gulped "yea dad" I said "well you clean up nice" Kristina said nudging him he only just clenched his jaw "um we will see you inside dad don't bore him to death" I said walking off practically dragging Kristina to the entrance

"Really Kristina" I said half annoyed she laughed "what your boss is hot" she said innocently I couldn't help but laugh after the bodyguards made sure we were on the list we made our way inside

It was beautiful the marble floors the big chandeliers everywhere the women and men all dressed up nice, the hum of a party surrounded us Kristina had taken a drink from the table

"What kind of drink is that" i say looking over to her glass "I don't know it's awfully good though" she said still sipping then I spotted my mom making her way over to me

"Harper how'd you get invited" my mom asked "I have my ways" I said looking over at Kristina who excused herself "well good news your boss said they're trying to keep the animal attack stories out of the press for right now"

"How is that good" I said grabbing a drink she look surprised "hun you know this has been weighing on me and your dad" she said I knew that but I just wanted to get to the bottom of it

My mom put a hand on my shoulder frowned and left to go talk to a lady of Congress just then Ashely made her way over to me "all alone" she said "yeah" I said solemnly  Ashely wore a sleek black dress all of her raven black hair pulled to the said she looked at me tapping her champagne flute

Ashely smiled well I am really just here to give you this Ashley slide an envelope in my hand I looked at her to say something but she already left I opened it
Dear Harper,
I know what your looking for a story right, meet me at the garden out back in fifteen minutes

The letter was very brief i looked around the diamond earrings I wore practically slapped me in the face I walked out back my heels clicking hoping no one would notice me leaving

I stood in the garden the warm summer air gave me goosebumps I hopped I wasn't being played of course people knew I was the mayors daughter but to fake some news had me wondering

A couple minutes later I heard footsteps behind me I turned around a tall man with a black tuxedo was headed my way the first thing I noticed was about him was his hair it was long black, and braided in the back he stopped right beside me dragging on a cigarette was this him?

"Harper" he said blowing out smoke "stranger" i said looking over "the attacks are going to get worse for the next few weeks don't go looking for a story" he said taking another drag on his cigarette

"How would you know this" i said as I intensified my glare on him looking right in his hazel eyes staring him down was my best option to push for more info "look red all I can tell you is to run understand" he said "but" I responded he started walking back to the party "wait I didn't" and with that he was gone

I pulled out a tiny journal from my purse and wrote down his details I didn't know if he was a friend or foe but if i see him again I'd want to remember him but there was something off with the information he'd given

How did he know? my brain was fried then Kristina came running towards me "hey there you are I've been looking everywhere why are you not enjoying the party" she said then looked at my notebook "Harper"she said in a disappointing tone "I know I promise I am having fun" she rolled her eyes

"Well I want you to meet David he got us the tickets after all" she smiled I stuffed my journal in my purse "lead the way"

Back inside I searched for the mystery guy but
He was nowhere in sight Kristina lead me to a reserved table in the Corner of the party soft jazz was playing which was kind of expected when a bunch of business owners and people over 50 were partying

I sat down with Kristina at the table David as she called him was nowhere to be seen "I told him to stay put" she frowned but just then a man walked over carrying drinks walked over "sorry Kristina I thought you and your friend would like drinks

He had ginger red hair that had been slicked to the side and he wore an ivory colored suit he also had freckles all over his face weird I thought i was surprised this wasn't Kristina's type at all

He shook my hand "nice to meet you Harper" he said sitting down at the table with us "oh stop David" Kristina laughed I just sipped on the drink and David and Kristina continued to chat I couldn't stop thinking about the information I was given

I sat there a little while later before walked over to our table "Harper May I speak with you" he said in a low tone I nodded he walked me over to the dance floor although wasn't much dancing going on

"Yes" i said did I do something wrong as if he could hear me he said "your not in trouble yet Harper" he said whispering I gulped did he know about the letter Ashely gave me

"Here dance with me" he said putting a hand around my waist it was a slow dance but I moved with it I knew he wasn't trying to look
Suspicious of whatever he had to tell me but I couldn't breathe being this close not that I minded very much

"You need to leave Harper" he said whispering in my ear this time I looked up at him "what why" I said worried "it's almost midnight take your friend and go" he said looking in my eyes this time

I stopped dancing I was tired of everyone being  so secretive "your not my father green" I said he looked surprised but I simply removed his hands  and walked away back to the table

"Harper are you okay Kristina turned around and looked up "fine" I said it was 11:23 me and Kristina kept talking even David joined the conversation then a guy walked up who clearly didn't look like he was here to party

"Are you Harper" Kristina and David stopped talking "yes that's me and you are" he laughed "your valet" he said I looked up at him astonished "my valet I didn't ask for one" Kristina looked just as shocked as me

"Well let's just take it I'm tired anyways" Kristina yawned "you girls go along I gonna stay" David said I was tired but I didn't want to listen to what said he probably ordered it for us

"Well I guess we'll go with you" I sighed Kristina got up and kissed David on the cheek whispering to him "come on Kristina" we left but before we left I shot green a look he only grinned

"You know I think am gonna add this to my list" we were driving back to Kristina's place because she wanted me to stay over tonight the valet driver was now talking to us "add what to your list" Kristina said crossing her arms

"I've never had a person forget they ordered a valet" the driver said Kristina laughed I just looked at the window the moon was a strange hint of red "the moon is so pretty tonight" I said

"Well what do you think of David" Kristina said facing me "he's not your usual type" I said she nodded "that's the point Harper he's nice and a good guy for a change" she said

"He is I am proud of you" she laughed "oh shut up" the the car came to an abrupt stop "what's going on" I said Kristina looked shocked "are we broke down"

"No there's a guy I almost hit him" the driver said with distinct nervousness then driver got out of the car and shut the door

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