1 | once upon a time

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In a small town, known as Baskerville, the City of Lights, there's a peaceful neighborhood where people are all lovey-dovey to each other. Expect, an infernal duo.

Lisa and Jennie.

Those two can't stand each other. They're like cats and dogs as they always insulting or hitting the other every time their eyes meet. To sum up their long and boring relationship, they can't get along since day one, and everyone – even their parents – knows it.

Unfortunately for them, life's a bitch.

When she was younger, Lisa used to live back in Thailand. Until her dad decided to move into the little town but still charming of Baskerville. She was five years old. As a matter of fact, she didn't have her period yet, and she never wanted to be far away from her teddy bear. We can say that Lisa was the incarnation of a pure innocent child. And then, she came to her new school.

In less than a day, she went from cute little girl to boyish troublemaker.

On the same day, she met Jennie.

This little shit who stole her favorite yellow pen.

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