2 | Back to school

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"Back off, Loser." an annoying voice speaks out.

She's back at it, again. How long will she finally let me live in peace ? It's been like a whole decade since our first meeting and querrel happened, and yet, it seems like she won't move on. We're both adults now, but she's not cooperating with me. Indeed, she keeps bothering me as if we have a deep personal connection going on. Not in a romantical way – of course. What I mean is that she talks to me as if we are enemies, but I want nothing to do with her. We are not the two little girls in the back row of class in primary anymore. However, she's making sure I am not happy with my life.

How sweet of her.

"I'm sorry, my mom told me not to talk to strangers." I say as if it was something obvious.

I'm not that cold when it comes to everyone, except for her. Talking with someone whom I just met isn't difficult for me because I can manage to find interesting subjects to talk about. When it comes to her, I'm no longer able to be the girl we can talk for hours even if we met thirty seconds earlier.

I just... can't.

"Who said I wanted you to talk ? Oh, hell no. I wasn't expecting an answer from you. I said back off not talk to me," says Jennie, rolling her eyes.

As usual, she won't make an effort to be nice to me.

"Whatever you say, Jennifer." I shrug and close my locker.

"Don't start a fire, fake hair."

My teeth clench when this sudden nickname comes up. I hate when she calls me with those unpleasant names. It's humiliating, and I do think she did it on purpose. Like I said earlier, she has a specific pleasure to see me annoyed.

"What did you just say ?"

"It's the beginning of school, guys. Please, not again. Can you not make a scene at least just for today ? You're giving me headache," someone interrupts us.

"Chaeyoungie !" Jennie exclaims with a wide grin plastered on her face.

Here we have, a bipolar girl aka Jennie Kim, the most hypocrite and detestable girl you'll see in your life. Trust me, she's not the lovely and pretty doll-face people tend to say about her. She's banal, and evil. I swear, it seems like everyone except me doesn't know that. They are blind by her so-called beauty that they can't admit she's a spoiled brat.

The two brunette – in front of me – share a long friendly hug before Chaeyoung turns to me with her arms wide open with a smile planted on her rosy lips. I should be mad at her because she ignored me to talk with the other but I couldn't help it and smile at her.

"You idiot. I missed you." I whisper after throwing my arms around her.

We quickly embrace each other and split up.

"How was Australia ?"

"Awesome ! I spent every seconds with my parents and my sister," she responds.

"What about you ?" she then asks me, but also Jennie.

"Sleep and eat." I simply say making Chaeyoung chuckles a little bit.

"Pathetic," I hear Jennie mutters to herself.

I glare at the brunette shorter than me. Being nice is a pretty easy thing to do. We just have to smile and nod at everything someone have to say. But, I guess, it's not in her option. She is unbereable. How is possible that Chaeyoung is still friends with this chick ? Jennie or whatever her name is, she's the true definition of a selfish and arrogant hoe !

"I prefer staying in my house doing nothing than go to some shitty night clubs and hook up with every boys and girls available."

"You're jealous." she rolls her feline eyes.

"Why would I be jealous of a whore ?"

Jennie is fulming, and when she was about to grab my collar, a sweet voice appears.

"Hello, girls."

I immediatly dart my eyes on the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She has long dark hair that marries her fresh porcelain complexion, and I couldn't describe how flawless is her smile.

Right in front of me is the girl of my dream.

The one I have a crush on for almost a year now. Jisoo Kim is the pure definition of elegant and adorableness. Everyone loves her. I mean, how can we hate her ? She's extremely polite to every single humans in this planet and she's absolutely friendly.

Even Humble could be her second name.

"Hi, Jisoo." I smile to her.

Suddenly, a motherfucker pushes me and hugs the girl I've dreamt of for the past few weeks. Astonished to this sudden gesture, I observe with my mouth open Jennie freaking Kim taking my girl in her tiny arms.

I feel betrayed.

What is this little shit doing to my precious crush ?

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