Chapter 20 Run for Cover

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Chapter 20

Run for Cover

"Oh baby, don't look back."

~The Killers~

It was humid—the smell of wet corroding wood invading her nose as the cloth of her toga clung to her skin. One false move and that was it. She could feel her enemy walking about, searching frantically in an attempt to locate her.

With her back pressed to an old wrecked countertop table, Serena shut her eyes before deciding upon her next move. She quickly slammed her right palm on the surface of the moldy wooden table, causing it to fly towards the armored soldier that was rummaging throughout the abandoned home.

It caught her enemy by surprise, pushing him back into the walls, but the assault did not end there, for the maiden flew into the air and smashed the man's skull with one powerful kick.

She would have been disgusted by the rotting blood and flesh that got on her sandals had it been the first time witnessing it, but at that point, Serena lost count of the number of unyielding soldiers she took down.

"There she is!"

With a grunt, she turned around to see four more men approaching fast. They destroyed all of the furniture and walls that got in their way as their crazed eyes and seething mouths yearned to kill Serena.

Each man possessed sturdy armor, but it was not that which made them lethal. It was the fact that no matter how many times she would beat them, more would come to take the place of their fallen comrade.

Another yell left her lungs, and Serena dashed from the spot she was in. Her speed easily overpowered them, for they could not see her movements. Her legs broke one of the men's necks when she sent him flying with one of her kicks. His body crashed into his supposed companion, but the action only made the other man slice him with sword.

"Out of my way!" The angry brute chopped his friend in half, and charged at Serena, but the girl disappeared again.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but you leave me no choice."

"Get her!"

"There she is behind you!" the other two men yelled as they lifted their clubs and swords to follow her in pursuit.

But Serena smashed her palm into the other man's back, causing his spine to break.


She then worded her spell that left a ward on the man's back, and moved away quickly to avoid any damage.

When the barbaric men collided with the body of the man that possessed Serena's mark, they only slashed at him before a fulminating light erupted. It burst and destroyed everything in its past in a silent explosion, allowing for Serena to flee and find the exit.

The tunnel was hidden on one of the wooden floor boards, and it let her descend from the higher level of the building she was in to the lower parts. Where it was taking her, she had no idea, but when she looked back at the string that was tied around her waist, her mind rested easy.

'So long as Pontus and Kelos remain holding the magical yarn, there's no way I can get lost.' Her thoughts were that, and it helped her push onwards as fast as she could. Somehow, even though she could not really tell exactly where she was, there was an inkling that she had. It made her believe that she was able to cover a lot more ground then everyone else.

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