Chapter 24 The Grand Scheme of Life

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Chapter 24

The Grand Scheme of Life 

"I should have gone deeper, but I'm not so brave."

~Dan Deacon~

The Commencement

Before head the stars and the skies that reflected his empire went into a disarray of chaos. They flurried together to create thunderclouds that were beyond his control, and when this happened, the old powerful god grimaced.

"Hephaestus has fallen," his deep voice created a whisper that shook the marble tiles which composed the platform of his circular balcony from his dominions. All around him the flawless stone that was coated in an array of bright colors began to taint under the darkness of the nebulous storm.

"They shall know pain," and when those words left his mouth, an ominous glowing orb was birthed within the palm of his powerful right hand. It was then that the mighty god shook the storms even further by shooting the light into the epicenter.

A loud boom resonated throughout his empire that was deemed the name Olympos, and all its inhabitants cried as they were shook into fear at the strength and anger of their ruler.

As this happened, one lone goddess stood from a distance, watching the large platform that floated overhead.

"Father, will your anger resolve anything?" Athena, the Olympian of justice and battle, shut her eyes in a solemn pose before the large spacious edge of the lands. Before her, the cliff stood outwards into the tumultuous nebulas that were riled up due to her brother's passing, and as to avoid anyone from accessing it, there was an enormous ethereal mist that took the form of clouds.

They swirled and became restless when Athena approached, causing voices to screech at the goddess.

"Enough!" her powerful voice, much like her siblings', shook the lands and forced the wails to be silenced.

"Why have you come, goddess?" The screams now turned into the voices of women, each one cautious with an air of suspicion.

"I need permission to pass the Gates of Olympia." In a stern manner, Athena carried herself with utter determination.

There was a cackle, bringing forth three individuals from the swirling clouds. Each one was concealed within a robe of purple fabrics that were laced with runes of antiquity. The runes glowed in a shine of golden lights every time one of the beings would speak.

"Do not toy with us, you are a goddess, as such it is within your ability to come and go as you please." The middle one that stood at the center of what appeared to be the entrance, spoke to Athena, forming a large burst of golden light.

"That is true, but all those who leave the side of my father are deemed traitors. I do not wish to betray my father, but I cannot turn a blind eye to the death of my brother." In angst, Athena attempted to reason with them, but the women simply looked at each other through their robes and then spoke one more time.

"Be gone, we the Horai will not be involved in deceiving our supreme lord."

"As the Horai sisters, guardians of the gate of Olympia, you have a duty, but do not forget the other part of your purpose." When Athena said those words, there was silence amongst the Horai—their lights died down, allowing the goddess to continue to speak.

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