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Jackson sit silently on the van that brought him back to his house from the airport, he feels so tired, both physically and mentally. It's been almost three weeks since his quarrel with Mark. Fortunately, his hectic schedule and job make him so busy that he almost forgot about his broken heart. But after a week, he really missed his lover. He really missed Mark face, his soft voice, his cute giggle, and every little attention that Mark poured just for him. Jackson sight again when he arrives at his house and force a smile to his manager as he gets in his house with his suitcase.

"Oh, you guys are here already. Welcome home Hyung, Jackson. Let me help you take the bag. You guys must be tired. Come in and have a sit, I'll make a drink for you guys, what do you want to drink?" Jackson froze, totally clueless and definitely speechless. He questioned his sanity. The one he missed so much is right in front of him inside his house, all smiling and welcomed him.

"Jackson, don't just standing there" Mark take over the suitcase on Jackson's hand and the other hand hold on Jackson and guide him to the living room. After Jackson and his manager sit on the couch, leaving a pile of bags on the corner of the room. Mark goes to the kitchen and poured an orange juice for Jackson and his manager and served it right away.

"Hyung, do you already have your dinner? You can stay so we can have dinner together, I already cook one, and I think it enough for all of us"

"No need Mark, this is enough," Jackson manager said as he raises his empty glass

"I already have a burger on the road anyway" Jackson manager smile at Mark as he gets up from the couch

"Okay Jackson, I'll leave, you don't have a schedule for the next 2 day. So rest well and sleep properly"

"Don't worry hyung, I'll make sure he has a good rest and if I have to, I'll drag him and chain him on the bed" Mark said playfully and get a laugh from Jackson manager as the answer. Mark sends him off and closed the door. Mark back to the living room and to his stunned boyfriends. He ruffled Jackson's hair gently

"Do you want to have a dinner or have a bath first?"

"Either one is good"

"Than you should take a bath first"

"Okay" Jackson gets up from the couch and walk to the bathroom. When he finished, he saw a pair of shirts and shorts on his bed. After putting it on, he walks out to the dining room where the love of his life prepared the dinner and smile when they eyes meet. Jackson approached him and hugs Mark from behind. He stayed still and tightened his hug, buried his face on the back of the man that he missed like crazy.

"Mark, why are you here?" Jackson whispered try to hold his tears

"I used the spare key that you give to me. I hear that you are super busy that you barely eat or sleep properly. It makes me worried" Mark put his hand on top of Jackson's hand and lightly squeeze it, lovingly.

"Besides that, I miss my beloved stubborn boyfriend. He didn't contact me for almost 3 weeks. He must be still mad at me"

"I miss you, Mark, I really miss you, I can't think straight, I can't sleep. I'm so afraid that you will break up with me, I don't want to lose you, I can't live and functional without you" Mark takes deep breaths he could feel the back of his shirts get wet.

"I love you, Jack, I never want to break up with you" Jackson hug Mark even tighter

"I'm sorry Mark, for being such a jerk and worst boyfriend. I get jealous for nothing and rant at you"

"It's okay Jack, I'm not mad at you, maybe I'm the one to blame, I fail to make you feel loved and ended doubt my love for you"

"No ... no, you do not. I'm the one to blame, to be a spoiled brat and attention seeker. I just love you too much that it scared me"

"Yeah, I love you too Jack. Now let eat before all the food become cold. Then we will go to sleep. I made a promise to your manager to makes you sleep properly"

"Are you spending a night? I'll sleep only if you sleep with me" Mark turn around and cup his lover face, smile fondly at him

"Of course I'll spend a night with you. How else can I make you sleep, I know how much you like to cuddle with me" Mark chuckled and kiss the nose of his speechless boyfriend that blushed a little

"Now go to your chair and eat, I cook it especially just for you"

Jackson smiles and lets go of Mark, he sits across of Mark and starts eating happily. That night Jackson sleeps like a baby, his stomach is full of Mark delicious food and his heart is full of love from his one and only love. With his beloved angel on his arm, what else did Jackson ever asked?

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