Part 8

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AN: time to delve into the mind of our favorite vampire!  XD

Chapter 8

It was one day later that Astrid returned to Berk. Her small blue car zipped along the Main street as she headed home. The street lights illuminating the various establishments while a crescent moon shone above the town. She was rather miffed that she had to go back to the city so soon as she had moved out here and it turned out that they didn't even need her input in the end. She still sat through the board meeting she was called for, scowling at those that had called her back. Astrid pulled up into the driveway of her cozy-looking cottage and put her car in park before shutting it off. When she stepped out onto her driveway she smoothed out her black pantsuit.

After grabbing her jacket and purse she made her way towards her porch. Silently unlocking the door she slipped into the dark room. Astrid didn't bother to turn on the lights as her vision was well attuned to the darkness. She let out a yawn and groaned. Here she was, supposedly a Creature of the Night, totally tired before even midnight. She trudged up the wooden stairs and opened her bedroom door. Not even bothering to change she threw her handbag on a chair and faceplanted into the mattress. Soon only soft snores could be heard coming from the still open bedroom.

'Ding-dong..... Ding-dong......' Astrid groaned as she heard her doorbell ring. Groaning, she sat up on her bed and stretched while yawning as sunlight shone through her bedroom windows. 'Ding-dong......... Ding-dong......' her doorbell went again. She reluctantly stood up and exited the room, walking towards her front door. When she answered the door with a 'Hello, how may I help you' she did not expect the person standing on the other side.

"H....Henry?!" Astrid's eyes widened as her mind went into overdrive. "What are you doing here?"

The redhead stood on her porch with both of his hands behind his back. Astrid surely hadn't expected him to come for a visit. In fact when she met him he'd seemed more occupied with his phone than joining her and his brother in conversation. 'And boy did she want to talk to him.' Astrid mentally told herself. Although any outcome of that conversation would likely end with her being dragged to the nut house.

"These are for you." Henry said as he revealed what he had hidden behind his back. Astrid's breath hitched as she saw him present her with a bouquet of pink lilies. 'Okay this seems too freaky to be a coincidence.' her mind concluded as Astrid remembered Hendrik presenting her with pink lilies on their first date. Outward she displayed none of the incredulity, scepticism, and hope that she was feeling. 'Was this look-alike really her Hendrik reborn?' she pondered.

"Thank you Henry." Astrid quickly corrected herself. 'No, she shouldn't get her hopes up.' her mind supplied. 'If she did then there might only be disappointment in the end.' For a moment that inner voice sounded suspiciously like her drunk father that would pass out on the bed after he had been laid off. "These are lovely." Astrid told Henry as she held the bouquet delicately. She really did not want to stare so much at the man lest he became uncomfortable but the resemblance was uncanny. She had refrained from doing so in Viggo's diner only because he had not really seemed interested in talking and her blatant staring would have drawn the attention of not only his brother but also the lunch crowd.

"It's a welcome to town present." Henry told her and then shyly asked "I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner."

Astrid's heart metaphorically skipped a beat when Henry asked her. "I would.... I would be happy to join you for dinner." Astrid sounded so composed on the outside, and she had her many many years of experience to thank for that, because you didn't get out of Russia in the early 70's without learning how to bluff. On the inside however her mind was doing somersaults, flips, and what not while mentally screaming 'YES YES YESSSS'.

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