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I woke up with a yawn, but unable to sit up. Well, maybe not unable, more like too lazy.
I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling. Turning my head to the left, white walls and a window. To the right, two chairs a light blue curtain, and an IV drip. I looked onto the bed and saw a white remote with a red button. I lifted my hand and let my fingers fall on the button.

Moments later a nurse burst into the room.

"Oh you're awake!" She exclaimed.

"When can I leave?" I asked tiredly. She giggled.

"Your guardian said you'd act like this." She giggled. I immediately woke up.

"Kakashi's here?" I asked.

"He actually just left to get some lunch five minutes ago. He said he'd be back in ten minutes, so he should be here in five." She said. "Are you hungry? Can I get you something?"

"I'm fine." I said quietly, looking towards the ceiling before closing my eyes. She left and I stayed like that for I don't know how long. Finally the curtain slid.

"She must have fallen asleep again...." Kakashi sighed.

"No. I'm awake." I said, opening my eyes and turning my head to look at him.

"Could have fooled me." He chuckled, patting my head before sitting in a chair beside my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Sleepy, sore, I have a headache." I shrugged before tilting my head at him. "Is this what it's like to have a hang over?"

He blinked before laughing.

"I think that's a pretty accurate comparison" he chuckled. "Now.... What's this I hear about a budding romance?"

"W-What?!" I yelled, blushing. "H-How...."

"Iruka warned me. Why so nervous?" He smirked, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow. "You weren't going to hide this from me, were you?"

"N-No. I j-just........"

"So you've got a date?" He asked. I blushed harder. "Guess that answers that." He chuckled. "Now we need to talk." He added seriously, sitting forward with his hands clasped and his elbows on his knees. My eyes widened drastically.

"NO!" I yelled, sitting up straight and cringing when my head pounded. "No, we don't. We really do NOT. Seriously Kakashi. No."

"Ah, so you've already had this talk." He sighed in relief.

"No I have not. I learned everything I know how all teenagers learn." I said simply. "In the school yard."

He choked on a laugh and hunched over as he coughed.

"That's........ That's just rich." He chuckled. "So when is this date? I need to know when I should sharpen my weapons."

"Don't you dare Kashi!" I yelled at him.

"For intimidation purposes only." He added.

"That's no better! Besides....... I don't know......."

"You don't know when the date is?"

"Would you stop saying that word?!"

"What? Date?"


"How come?"

"It..... It's just weird when it's connected to me...." I mumbled.

He chuckled again, shaking his head and sitting back with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I should tell Sakura."

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