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>Kota POV<

Once I got home I showered, dressed my wounds, grabbed a plum, and left the house with one of my special bombs and a match box.

I went straight to the hokage monument and sat on the head of my father, Minato Namikaze.

"Hey dad, mom" I whispered, laying on my back. "I thought I'd talk to you a bit. Naruto's doing fine. He's off training with Jiraiya. He's really growing up fast and getting stronger and stronger every day. And don't worry, I'll protect him and the village. I promise." I smiled at the sky. "I've been making bombs. Did you see the one I got Ibiki with earlier? It was one of my experimental ones. I brought another to show you, though this one doesn't make a loud racket like the others. Here, watch."

I sat the bomb down and light the fuse. It spit out ribbons of brightly colored smoke and multi sized sparks.

"I know it's not much" I said as it died down. "But it's a work in progress....... I miss you guys" I whispered, tears filling my eyes. "I wish you could talk to me back. I need someone to talk to. I feel so alone......... I need my parents... Here.... With me...."

I wiped my eyes. A flash of white caught attention and I looked at a white butterfly. I watched as it flew toward me. As soon as it landed on my nose, my vision turned white, then black, and suddenly it was all white again, but when I looked down I could see my body.

I looked around in confusion. Then sighed as I crossed my arms.

"Great..." I grumbled. "Now I'm really alone."

"You're never alone Kota." Said a soft, deep, familiar voice. I spun around and my eyes widened as I looked at none other than my mom, Kushina Uzamaki, and my dad, Minato Namikaze.

"Mom? Dad?" I whispered, rubbing my eyes and blinking a couple of times. They were still there.

"It's us Kota. You remember us, right?" Mom asked slowly, grinning.

My bottom lip trembled and I bit it.

"I-I...." I said, choking on my words.

"Kota... Are you alright?" Dad asked carefully. My right hand reached up to grab my left arm, my fingers digging into it tightly.

"I-I'm fine."

"Don't you be fake with me Kota." Mom said sternly. They began walking towards me and the closer I got, the harder it became to hold in my tears. I covered my eyes with my hands and the both hugged either side of me tightly as I burst into tears.

They let me finish crying, whispering soothing words into my ears. Finally I was finished.

"Mom, dad, I assume you already know what's going on?" I asked softly.

"We know honey." Dad said, hugging me tighter. "And were very sorry that this all has you so beat down."

"So you're making bombs huh?" Mom asked with a grin. I blinked.

"Oh, uh, yeah....."

"The one you showed us was very nice." Dad smiled.

"Like the one you used on Ibiki too." Mom whispered.

"Kushina, sometimes you scare me." Dad chuckled.

"It's my job dear." Mom replied innocently.

I laughed at them, unable to stop smiling.

"Kota," dad suddenly said seriously. "I'd hate to do this but we have to cut this short."

"What?!" I yelled, panicking as they started fading.

"Bye sweety." Mom smiled.

"No! Don't leave me!" I cried, a tear falling from my eyes. "Please!"

"If you need to talk to us, just come back here and we'll talk. Okay?"

I nodded furiously, blinking away the salty tears.

The they disappeared and the white room faded to black before color returned.

".....ota..... Kota..... Come on Kota, wake up." A worried voice whispered as my shoulder being shaken.

"Wha..." I mumbled, blinking before looking up at Asuma, who was frowning slightly as he pulled me up. Apparently I had fallen on my side.

"What are you doing up here Kota? You should know better than anyone how dangerous it is right now." He said.

"I-I'm sorry..." I whispered, looking at the ground. "I was talking to mom and dad...."

"............. alright..... Come on... I'm taking you home..." He said, pulling me to my feet. I nodded and let him lead me away, but not before I turned and waved at the spot I had been, hoping mom and dad would see it.


"Now lock the doors, make sure the windows are shut too." Asuma said as we reached the house. "If anything happens I want you to run to the hokage tower."

"Kay." I nodded. "Goodnight Asuma."

"Good night Kid. Oh, hey."


"Why are you so beat up?" He asked with a frown.

"Oh, I'm just training with Ibiki. Good night."

I walked into the house and shut the door behind me before he could freak out. I went to my room and fell onto my bed, immediately falling asleep.

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