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Day two of training with Ibiki starts now! I thought as I stepped through the gates of training ground 68.

A little paranoid from yesterday, I scanned the area briefly to check for any unwanted visitors, if you catch my drift.

"You're early." Said a deep voice, causing me to jump and wheel around with a kunai in hand. "And very stressed." Ibiki added with a frown. "What's up with you? You're usually not like this."

"Nothing..." I mumbled, not meeting his eyes as I put the weapon away. "What're we doing to day?" I asked with a slightly forced smile, hoping to change the subject. Thankfully Ibiki let it drop.

"Today we are working on your reflexes, so I called on some people to help us out with that." He said, and almost on cue around twenty people, all wearing ANBU outfits, surrounded us. I looked at them warily, immediately tensing. "They will be all around you and will throw weapons at you randomly. Sometimes it will be one at a time, other times it will be all at once. You are going to dodge them. Each time you are struck, or even scratched, you will run one hundred laps around Konaha. By the end of day you will be expected to be able to dodge eight rounds of attacks flawlessly, or your training with me ends today."

I just gawked at him.

"You cannot be serious!" I shouted, throwing my arms around spastically. "You're insane!"

"Possibly." He smirked coldly. "But who is it that insisted I train you?"

I opened my mouth, but could not argue logically, so I decided to go illogically.

"WELL YOU'RE A GAY FART FACED BOOGER BRAINED DOUCHE CANOE!" I yelled at him before pouting and crossing my arms.



I barely dodged a kunai. I grabbed a kunai of my own to deflect. But then Prince Scarface had to raise his douche-iness by three hundred percent.

"No deflecting or defending. Only dodging."

"Dammit Ibiki! I hope you lick a cow and barf corn!" I yelled, stomping my foot. I yelped as a kunai scratched my leg and Ibiki smirked.

"One hu-"

"Yeah yeah, one hundred laps, I get it." I growled, stomping around him and leaving to gaining ground.

"And I'll be counting." He added loudly, watching me as the ANBU gathered to watch as well. I turned on my heel and pretended to cast a fishing pole at him, but as I made the reeling motion, I slowly made my middle finger raise itself so I was flipping him off. He scowled and I turned my back on him as I began running.

"Stupid Pimp Scarface and his ANBU bitches..." I grumbled under my breath.

>Hokage POV<

I was walking through the village, smiling as I saw children playing with one another and adults laughing good heartedly with eachother. The birds sang and a light breeze flowed through the air.

Nothing could disturb this perfect harmonic serenity.


Well... Almost nothing.

A red blur sped past me and I squinted at them a moment before recognizing the small person.

"Oh! Kota!" I called. She skid to a stop, stirring up a dust cloud and almost falling flat on her face. Once she was fully stopped, she looked back at me.

"Oh, hey gramps." She grinned, skipping to me and giving me a hug.

"How are you today Kota?" I asked with a smile.

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