Chance Encounter

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-Six Years Ago-

You stand in the doorway of your bedroom, holding onto the wall as you listen intently to the conversation. Some strange man, tall in stature and dressed all in blue with long gray hair, had appeared at your doorway about half an hour earlier. From what you could gather, his name is Yen Sid, and he's some kind of Master.

The only question is, why is he here? Your parents are downstairs talking to him, and they seem to know him.

"The Keybearers will be needed earlier than expected," you can hear the man named Yen Sid explain to your parents, his voice deep and calming. "It might be hard to believe, but she is a Keybearer. We must begin her training as soon as possible."

"How can you be sure?" you hear your mom ask, and you subconsciously inch closer to the edge of the hallway in order to hear better.

"What's a Keybearer?" your brother asks from his place next to you, hiding behind the doorframe to eavesdrop.

"I dunno," you reply with a shrug, doing your best to look confused.

The truth of the matter is that you do have an idea what they're speaking of. Just a few weeks prior, when you were almost fast asleep, a heavy item appeared in your hand without any prompting. You had looked down in shock, only to see an oversized Key clutched in your palm. The sight had terrified you, and you immediately tossed it to the ground.

But the item disappeared, only to instantly re-appear in your hand.

Ever since that moment, you've been able to summon the key on command. You've never used it, of course. But, fearing being labeled a freak, you kept it a secret. Now, it looks like there might be something very wrong with you after all.

"Sounds made up," you add with an awkward laugh.

"[Name], darling, can you come downstairs?" you hear your mom call out, causing the two of you to jump in surprise.

"We know you're listening," your father adds, and you can hear a slight chuckle in his voice as he speaks.

"Busted," your brother notes with a smirk before he shoves you down the stairs.

You stumble a bit, shooting him back a glare once you stabilize yourself before you take off downstairs, with him right at your heel. You both shove and push each other to try to get in the room first, causing you both to trip through the doorway – shoulders touching and having to squeeze through in order to fit. Your parents are standing near the fireplace with eyebrows raised in judgment at their misbehaved children while the stranger watches with an amused smile.

"This is Master Yen Sid. He has a request for you, [Name]," your mother states, raising a hand towards the tall man.

He clears his throat as he steps towards you, a hand extending your way in greeting.

"Hello, young Miss [Name]. I have been informed you are touched with a very special power," he tells you, shifting his hand so that he's pointing at yours when he realizes you won't be shaking his hand. "You possess something called a Keyblade, do you not?"

"I don't," you lie, sticking your nose up brattily in the air.

"I am sure you're scared," he continues, his voice soothing and deep. "But there is no reason to be. Your power is rare, and important. You have the ability to save the worlds some day, which will cause you to always live in danger. I would like to extend an invitation to train you in the art of wielding such a power, to protect yourself and your family."

"Wait... What? We're in danger?" you ask, taking a step back from the man as your heart starts to race. There's a strange sensation running through you as he speaks, as if you feel an unstoppable need to believe what he's saying. "My... my family," you glance over at them, barely able to form words. Until this moment, the strange weapon that would appear out of nowhere just seemed like a bad dream. But, it must be real, and it's dangerous. "... I didn't ask for this."

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