Light and Dark

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The two boys standing on the dock jutting out over the cool water, the perfect pictures of innocence and precociousness with images of your dear friends reflected in their clear eyes, have subconsciously drawn you to stay on this island for just a few more moments. The peace and tranquility you find on this beach, with the sound of the crashing waves and the smell of salt wafting through the air, is mesmerizing, and a much needed distraction from reality.

But you know you need to return to the real world, where unpleasant villains and horrible creatures await.

"You should write us a postcard, from wherever you end up," Sora calls out to you from across the beach with a wide grin as he rocks back and forth on his heels, his hands clasped behind his back.

"How about instead, you two forget you met me and that other worlds exist?" you counter, earning stubborn shakes of the head in response.

"Nah," Riku argues as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"We'll just live vicariously through you," Sora adds with a thumbs-up.

You chuckle under your breath, shaking your head as you summon your Keyblade. The boys watch in awe as you're suddenly surrounded by armor, covered from head to toe as you toss your blade into the air. It soars through the sky before swooping down, transformed into a giant floating motorbike. You hop on, and with one last glance their way, take off into the air towards a portal of swirling darkness pocketed in the sky.

The portal vanishes with a soft 'pop,' and Sora sighs in disappointment at his inability to follow after you.

"Y'know," Riku speaks up, still staring at the sky where the portal had just been. "I'm gonna get off this island soon. Just watch."

Sora giggles, endlessly amused as his friend's desire to leave. Ever since he had heard the story of the boy who left the islands many years ago to explore other worlds, Riku had become obsessed. Not that Sora could blame him, necessarily... but he happens to like living on the Islands. Riku's a different story, though. And his desire to travel is slowly becoming infectious.

"Whatever you say, Riku," Sora hums, staring off at the setting sun in the distance.

For a moment, the water turns purple and pink as the sun falls below the edges of the ocean.

They cherish the moment of serenity, with nothing but the crashing waves on the shore to distract them.

For it's only ten years until they're gone from the Islands, ripped away in the night and hurtled into adventures they could never imagine.


The dark skies open in a flash of white, sending your soaring through the air and down to the grassy knoll below of the new world in which you've appeared. You stumble off your vessel, your Keyblade disappearing as your armor fades away, leaving you standing there in your normal clothes. You glance around, taking a moment to admire the bright colors flashing in the sky – green and purple lights are floating above, trailing across the black sky like a path.

Finally tearing your gaze away from the sky, you glance back only to spot a tall tower behind you. It reaches high into the sky with a sharp peak above, and a few steps leading to the entrance. It's what's on those entry steps that gain your attention, however. Sitting on the stairs is a large mouse, wearing human clothes and munching on a sandwich. He's staring at you as he eats, though he doesn't look like slightest bit alarmed at your sudden presence.

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