Part 4:

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I added some, just so you know.

Your Name- Y/N
First Name- F/N
Last Name- L/N
Favorite Color- F/C
Second Favorite Color- S/F/C
Eye Color- E/C
Hair Color- H/C
Favorite Food- F/F
Favorite Drink- F/D
Second Favorite Food- S/F/F
Favorite sweet- F/S

I will add more later if needed so, keep a look out!


After we had walked away, I asked Varian what he was doing later tonight. He explained he lived in Old Corona and his father wasn't home so he was just going to stay in an inn for the night. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the palace. He laughed, his face a light pink color.
"You just can't stay away from me, can you?"
I rolled my eyes and gave a dry laugh, trying to hide my own blush.
"I was just trying to be nice"
He stuck his free hand in his apron pocket.
"Back at the candy shop, how did you know what to do?"
I shrugged.
"I got bored one day, so I taught myself first aid"
He looked at my dress.
"I'm not gonna lie, when you did that, you looked 10 times more attractive"
My face turned red. I don't know if he was just complimenting me, or if he was serious. I tried to change the subject.
"Sorry we missed the lanterns"
He smiled.
"No problem. Besides, I think that was more fun than going on a boat to watch a lantern float away."
"I just wish I could make it up to you"
He stopped, grabbing my other hand.
"Offering me a place to stay is enough"
I smiled and gave him a hug. I could feel that he was tense, so I was going to pull away when I felt two strong arms envelop me. After a couple minutes, we pulled away and continued walking. We finally got to the palace. Varian looked up and then back at me.
"Won't they just kick me out when they see me?"
I grinned at him.
"Oh, I normally don't go through the gates"
I started running to the side until I got to a window. I called out,
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
Suddenly, a golden blonde rope came flying down. I grabbed on and started to climb. I looked down and Varian is still on the ground, his mouth opens wide in awe. I laughed.
"Are you coming?"
A smile spread over his lips and he nodded, grabbing onto the golden locks and climbing. Once we got inside, Rapunzel pulled her hair back inside. Then she caught sight of me, my ripped dress, messy hair, and Varian. She squealed and ran up to him, giving him a bear hug. He could barely get out his next sentence.
"Princess, I- I can't breathe"
Raps quickly him down and apologized. I explained that he had nowhere to go, so I offered to let him stay here. She called in Cass, who came in, still wearing her lady in waiting outfit.Varian's eyes widened when he and Cassandra made eye contact. Then they ran up to each other, all talking at once.
"Cassie, oh my gosh, it's been forever!"
"Hey kid, how've you been?"
I laughed.
"I didn't know you knew our leading lady in waiting"
Varian nodded and puffed out his chest in a joking manner.
"We were co-ladies in waiting together"
Cassandra laughed and nodded her head. Then she asked,
"Who brought him in?"
I explained that he had no place to stay, so I offered to let him stay here.
She nodded, then pointed to the door.
"I'll start getting a room together for yo-"
She stopped, looking at Rapunzel, me, and Varian. Then she burst into laughter. We all looked confused apparently, because then she explained.
"Because it's the lantern festival, the security is on high alert because the king is still scared someone will try to take Rapunzel. So that means I can't get a room ready for you. So that means....."
I didn't get it. But apparently Raps and Varian did, because Raps looked at me and squealed the most high pitched squeal I have ever heard, and Varian went bright red. I cocked my head to the side.
"So that means what?"
Cass face palmed and sighed.
"It means you and Varian have to share a room"

Varian's POV

"Because it's the lantern festival, the security is on high alert because the king is still scared someone will try to take Rapunzel. So that means I can't get a room ready for you. So that means....."
It took a minute to sink in. And when it did, I heard someone else understand as well. Princess Rapunzel squealed at a pitch that I thought impossible to reach. Then I realized she was talking about me and Y/N being in the same room. And I turned an unbelievable shade of red. After explaining it to Y/N, she just shrugged.
"I'll sleep on the floor, he can have the bed"
I looked at her in astonishment. She was still willing to let me stay? I shook my head.
" It's fine, I'll just sleep somewhere else tonight"
There was no answer. Just a couple of clothes thrown at me. Cass pointed to them and then to the washroom.
"Y/N said to give you these and get changed. We'll clean your clothes and you will get them back in two days"
Instead of going where I was instructed, I headed for the door. I was going to find Y/N and convince her that I'll be fine. Cassandra shook her head.
"Have fun trying to change her mind"
Then she wiggled her eyebrows.
"But not too much fun"
I rolled my eyes and walked into the washroom and changed. I walked out and looked at myself. It was one of Eugene's outfits, I could tell. I walked back out and went to go find Y/N'S room. I walked in and she was brushing her H/C hair. I knocked on the door frame.
"Come in"
I walked in and she stood. She finished brushing her hair, putting her flower crown back on and turning to me. She was beautiful, wearing a white nightgown.

 She was beautiful, wearing a white nightgown

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I looked around her room. It didn't look like it belonged to a princess. There was drawings and sketches all over the walls. But the thing that caught my eye the most was one specific corner.

It was a corner that was filled to the brim with bookshelves, with a little table and chair. I walked over and picked up a book. The Giver (shhhh my children, pretend it's an old book). I turned it over in my hands.
Then a pile of my books caught my eye. It had Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse mythology. I smiled.
"You like mythology?"
She came over, putting the books back on the shelves and nodding.
"What's your favorite genre?"
She took out a book about fairies and flipped through the pages.
"I would have to say fantasy, I just love the thought of magic and happily ever afters"
I chuckled.
"I don't believe in magic"
"Not even a little bit?"
"Have you ever read any fantasy stories?"
I shook my head. Her eyes widened.
I shrugged.
"Because I never had any use for it"
She tilted her head.
"I have a feeling you don't do things just for fun"
I sighed and looked down.
"Dad never really let me have 'fun', he always needed help in the shop, since mom-"
I never liked to talk about mom (In this version, his mom left them, she didn't die). The good thing, I never really knew her, so I didn't have anything to miss about her.
"Did she leave or pass away?"
I turned my head in surprise. Nobody ever liked to talk about this stuff, they would always try to change the subject. I told her how my mom had left us when I was just 2. She nodded.
"Mine died at eight"
I patted her back.
"What about your dad?"
Her eyes changed from sad to pure hatred.
"He can be dead for all I care. Eugene got us out of there just in time. If not-"
She shifted uncomfortably.
"I might not be here"

Haha! Another chapter done!

(1420 words this time!)

Ready As I'll Ever Be: A Varian X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now