part 13

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The thing about horse rides is that they get bumpy after a while. I learned that the hard way. It took a little while to get to Old Corona, in which I learned about my new friend Leo. Apparently, he was a friend of Varian's and had given him the ride home. How funny is that? Leo is a very interesting person. Though his main job is transporting people to and from places, he also enjoys hanging out with the blacksmith and learning new things, and he helps out the baker now and then. He turned his head to look at me.

"So, what about you? What do you like to do?"


I jokingly pointed at myself. He nodded.

"Heh, well what would you like to know?"

He hummed in thought, and I was surprised that he was being serious. Normally people just take the fact that I am related to Eugene and leave it at that.

"Ah, what do you wanna do with your life? Do you have any plans?"

"Huh, I never really thought about it before. I guess if I really think about it, I would love to be around books all day, so I might want to work at the book shop.",

Leo nodded and smiled, "do you have any suggestions for books?"

"Well, depending on what you like... but if I were to guess, you're more of a history person. Did I guess it right?"

He laughed, his surprise plain on his face. So I did guess correctly. He went to answer me but was cut off by a voice.

"Leo's back!"

Some children ran up to the horse while the other townspeople sent greetings our way. Everyone was very friendly, welcoming us with a smile. Leo helped me off and introduced me.

"Everyone, this is my new friend Y/N, or as some of you may know her; the sister of prince-"

"about to be a prince" I coughed into my arm, in which Leo reacted with a grin.


Everyone looked at me, their eyes widening.

"It is her!"

"How didn't I see the resemblance??"

"Wow! She's pretty!"

I felt my face getting hot with all the attention and compliments coming my way.

"Princess Y/N!!!!"

"Hm?" I looked down to see a little girl and boy pushing through the crowd. The little boy had brown wild hair with a shirt that was way too big for him, almost to the point that I could barely see his pants, and the little girl was a blonde, her hair almost reaching her knees and her white little dress ties flailing in the wind. They stopped at my feet, looked up and motioned for me to bend down. I did and was rewarded with a flower crown made from dandelions.

"Awww!" I beamed at the two, their little rosy faces looked so proud!

"Thank you very much! I have never had a crown this pretty before!"

They bashfully looked away, their cheeks turning slightly pink.

The little girl gave me a tight hug before running off, and thinking he was going to do the same thing I held my arms out. Instead, he leaped into my arms and planted a big kiss on my cheek. The crowd gave a collective gasp as he ran off, their eyes returning to me. For a few moments, I stood there, just shocked. But then I felt a little giggle start to come out, and soon I was laughing. I touched the place where his little lips had been and smiled a bit.

He was adorable!


I stood up and looked around to see who called me. And there he was.


We met halfway, where he grabbed me into a hug.

"What are you doing here? I told you I would tell you when to visit! Wait- that came out wrong.."

I laughed and pulled out the package. "You forgot your shirt!"



Everyone was staring. Oh no, what do I do??

I quickly shoved the package into his arms, "You know, when you fell off the horse into the mud? We washed it for you, but you left in such a hurry so you forgot it!"

His eyes widened.

"Oh! Yes! Thank you so much! I hope it wasn't any trouble"

Everyone around us began to relax and go their separate ways. "Phew!" I wiped my sweaty hands on my dress and took a breath, "that was close". Varian nodded and turned to Leo.

"So how'd you guys meet?"

Leo explained the whole situation as we walked to Varian's house. It was a simple home, but it was pretty nonetheless. The yard was littered with scraps of inventions here and there. Varian swept his arms out to the house, "welcome to my home!"

He put his goggles on a table by the door and we followed him inside. There were wooden arches and a small table in the center. I sat down at the table but Leo explained that he had to take care of some work at his home and bid us goodbye.

"Would you like anything? I didn't really have time to go to the market, but we do have some stuff-"

"Oh, do you have an apple? I forgot to pack much food"

"Sure!" Varian smiled and picked an apple from a basket and walked over to the table. Right when I was about to bite into the red skin, a certain raccoon friend of mine got to it first, jumping out from under the table and grabbing it in his greedy little claws and dashing out the door. We sat there for a few minutes in complete shock. Finally, Varian stood up.

"Hey, would you wanna check out my lab?"

I followed him to the door and nodded, "yeah, sounds like fun!"

Varian's POV


How could Rudiger just take her apple like that?! That greedy little punk!

Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've updated and I'm super sorry about that, I will hopefully be getting a schedule together soon! 

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