Part 10 pt. 2

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Hey guys! I know it has been like, 5-ever, but I want to say that I'm updating with a warning to you all

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Hey guys! I know it has been like, 5-ever, but I want to say that I'm updating with a warning to you all. I have not been able to watch a lot of the more recent episodes in the show (like, really-REALLY behind guys) so I just wanna say again that this story is loosely based on the show, and that some things will not be the same, and if that upsets you, I'm sorry (but that is why you are given the choice to stay or to go look at other peoples' stories).

Anyways, I'm finally updating and I plan to finish this story up once and for all in the upcoming months!

Hope you enjoy!


I added some, just so you know.

Your Name- Y/N
First Name- F/N
Last Name- L/N
Favorite Color- F/C
Second Favorite Color- S/F/C
Eye Color- E/C
Hair Color- H/C
Favorite Food- F/F
Favorite Drink- F/D
Second Favorite Food- S/F/F
Favorite sweet- F/S


I run down the hall clutching 2 different outfits in my hands as I head for her room. I knock on the door once, no response. 3 knocks, no response. Finally I get tired of waiting and walk in. I sit on the edge of the bed and poke her in the foot.
I poke her again, this time with more force. "Cass, I need help"
I grab her foot and start to tickle her, to which she responds with a kick that was supposed to hit me in the face, but I've been around her so much that it doesn't surprise me and I duck just in time.
"Seriously Cass, this is an emergency!"
She turns in her bed and glares at me.
"After last night's stunt, I think you owe me something"
I point at the bundle of clothes in my arms and then beyond the door.
"That's what I'm trying to do! We're taking a walk around the village, and then Varian is going home. Now can you please help me?!"
She groans and rolls out of  bed with a thumbs up. Nice!
I hold up the first option of clothes, which is a long sleeve peasant looking dress with a black/white (you choose) top and a F/C flowing skirt (don't mind the shoes). 

And the second is also a long sleeve dress with a F/C corset-looking thing in the middle (A/N: that was a lot harder to describe than the other one!)

"What do I wear?"
Cass looked at them and answered "whatever you want."
I groan and throw my head back. "You're supposed to be helping me!" Cass shrugs and walks out the door, her hair a mess. As I pout back to my room, I see Varian come out of his room, ready for the tour. I look down at my nightgown and look back up to see Varian looking at me, his eyes wide.
"You aren't ready? How long does it take for a girl?!?" I stick my tongue out before retreating to my room. I pick (whichever one you want) and put it on.

Varian's POV
I don't get it. What is so hard about picking an outfit, sticking with it, and putting it on?! I walk around, trying to find the exit. I take a right, then a left, another left and....... ok, I'm lost. I look around for someone to show me to the door, when I see him: Eugene. I freeze, slowly back up, and Sprint back to the room. I turn to rapunzel's door and see that it's locked. Great. I sigh and walk towards Y/N's room, seeing as it's the only safe place right now. I knock on the door.
" It's me, can I come in? You're brother is coming this way"
I hear shuffling for a few seconds and the door opens. And when I say Y/N looks AMAZING, I'm being serious. She has an ankle length dress on with a white/black top and a flowing F/C skirt (possibly a corset thing depending on which one you chose), and her hair looked messy, yet clean. It was pulled back in a ponytail with a loose black ribbon.
"Wow, you look ama-"
Y/N yanks me into her room just as Eugene walks past. Y/N points to the door.
"Ready to go?"
I nod and we sneak out of the palace to the front steps. But instead of seeing Rapunzel, we see Pascal with a note stuck to his tongue.

Sorry that I can't come, I forgot I have lunch planned with my mother ~raps

Y/N gave Pascal a Pat on the head as he ran off, then started to walk down the steps. I followed, looking at all the flowers and gardens along the way.
"This place is amazing"
Y/N smiled and took my hand, "I know a place where you can see the whole kingdom, but first you can see what the town usually looks like".
We walked into town (still holding hands mind you) and went from shop to shop. There was a book shop that had every book you could ever imagine, the flower shop had every color imaginable, and, of course uncle monty's sweet shop. There was a seamstress, a blacksmith, a baker, even an apothecary! Not to mention all of the people with their food carts everywhere! I was apparently getting hungry, so my stomach spoke for me. Y/N smiled and led me to the bakery where we got some of the nicest smelling bread EVER, then some fruit and vegetables from a merchant.
"We can go to that place I was talking about if you want"
I nodded and she led the way.

I led varían through the woods until the wall surround corona came into view. His eyes widened,
"that thing is tall!" 
I nodded and led him to a specific part in the wall where there was a rope ladder and started to climb. He followed and we had our lunch. Varían looked out and sighed.
"This view is great"
I smiled and hummed in agreement, biting into a juicy apple. He turned to look at me, his arm propped up on his elbow.
"This place special to you?"
"Yes, no one else knows about it"
He smiled, a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"I'm honored"

Ready As I'll Ever Be: A Varian X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now