Part 11

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We walked around the town and the next thing you know, it's time for Varían to go. I offered to send him off in a carriage but he turned me down, saying that he had a friend in town who could give him a ride back (I made him show me). Finally, when he was ready he slung his bag into the back of the cart and turned to me. I rocked on my heels.
"So this is goodbye"
Varían smiled so, "yeah, but only for a little bit" He shifted his weight when he asked me, "hey, would you want to come down and look around old corona? I feel like I owe you a tour of my place"
I grinned, nodding my head.
He hopped into the cart. "Cool! So, I'll send you a letter?"
I walked up to the cart and pecked his cheek. "Yeah, that sounds great"
I blinked, surprised at my own forwardness, then sprinted down the road waving.

Varían's POV
She was walking up to the cart, got close to my face and kissed me.
Ok, not exactly, but it counts right? A kiss on the cheek? Ugh. I fell into the hay in the cart after sending a dazed wave back to Y/N. My friend driving the cart chuckled. "Who's that?"
I threw a fistful of hay at him. "None of your business, Leo"
The light coming from the lantern sends a shadow over his face. "Oh, this is the thanks I get for giving you a ride home? Fine, if you wanted to walk that bad-"
I threw more hay at him and he laughed.
"How'd you meet her?"
I explained the collision and everything after (except her ability and the sleeping situation). He nodded thoughtfully, listening to the night sounds. I laid back and watched the stars flicker, creating constellations. Oh! I'd need to tell Y/N about them, she would love them! I saw the lights of the town inching closer and took a deep breath. It's good to be home. Leo handed me my satchel.
"So, why do you like her?"
I slung it over my shoulder and readjusted my goggles.
"What's not to like? She's beautiful, she's innovative, kind, adventurous, not to mention an amazing dancer, and she-"
I heard my door open. I flinched, pointed behind me and turned.
"So, you met a girl?"
It was my dad.

I spun around my room in excitement.

Did I just kiss him?!
It didn't count
But it was a kiss!
On the cheek
Did he not like it?
I don't know, ask him when he invited you
What if he doesn't?! Did I mess up?
I threw open my balcony doors and felt the cool breeze hit me. I smiled, drinking in the sounds of the town at night. I heard something scratch a balcony post and saw Rudiger.
"Hey there buddy! How are you?"
I picked him up, setting him on the edge with me. He curled up and nuzzled me. I heard a knock on the door. It was Raps. She sat down next to me and gave Rudiger a piece of fruit. While he nibbled on it, she gave me a package with the name VARÍAN on it.
"The laundry got finished early. Is Varían here? I was looking for him, but couldn't find him"
I groaned. "He just left. Guess I'll have to take it to him tomorrow "

Ready As I'll Ever Be: A Varian X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now