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Lillian's POV.

I walked to my bed and picked up the letters. One letter is from Gringotts and the other one was from Tom Riddle. Wait a minute...

In the books Tom Riddle was Voldemort. Does that mean the dark lord is my father?

I open the one from Gringotts it read:

'Dear Ms. Riddle, After going through our records we found that you were taken from your home and was reported missing by your father. We notified your father and you will be meeting him during the breaks. Sincerely Manager of Gringotts Rognook.'

I open the one from my father.

'Dear my little Lily, It has been a long time since I seen you. The last time I saw you, were a mere infant. You were taken from me as your mother passed away giving birth to you. You made me sane and the only one I love and care about. When you disappeared I searched for you and I went to the Potter house where I thought James Potter knew where you were put. When he did but didn't tell me where I have no choice to take him down. I will be there at the station during winter break and we will get to know each other. I hope that you will write to me and tell me about how things are going at Hogwarts. Love your father, Tom Riddle.' I smiled softly and wrote back to him saying I was in Slytherin and my friends. I talked about how Harry, James son is in Slytherin and is friends with me and Draco. I changed into night clothes and went to bed with an alarm set for the next morning.

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